“And the Pineapple Knight did slew the fire-breathing dragon.”
“Roll on it.”
rolls a 1
“You successfully transform Into an anteater, but it’s that blue Hanna-Barbera one who can’t catch a single ant to save its life.”
She’s not dying, she Stayin’ Alive!
Some people have no luck at all.
“Gary Gygax…” eats candy cigarette “Haven’t heard that name in a long time.”
Not chosen, but still worthy.
Jellyfin: Tower of Babel Edition
So is living with the consequences of your choices.
A Ferangi’s erogenous zone is their ears. Do you think they have ear dildos?
Installation Wizard - A wizard hired to protect a specific building or location.
Bluetooth sounds like a negative effect. Similar to using Bluetooth in real life.
A dungeon suddenly becomes the corridors of the Nostromo. No matter where you hide, the skeletons can sense your BONES!
Captain Barbosa enters the chat
“Here’s my Nolan Ryan rookie pog and here’s my Hologram Charizard pog.”
Yuna, to the monster that has her cornered: “Call an ambulance…”
Payne transforms into a healer and shields Yuna, Riku transforms into a healer and shields Yuna, Yuna transforms into a warrior and points two loaded Magnums at its head
“…but not for me.”
“But I don’t want to play this game, please unsubscribe me.”
“I needed a party to enter the dungeon, I didn’t need one to beat the boss.”