Yeah… I’m an idiot
Yeah… I’m an idiot
Cool. Now do quantum bits so that they’re all simultaneously calculated. Wait… don’t
If I recall correctly it’s important to be running ECC memory right?
Otherwise corrupter bites/data can cause file system issues or loss.
Roll for intelligence… 16. The progress of the one hit BEG killing spell is 33%
<many turns later>
Roll for intelligence… 3. The progress of the one hit BEG killing spell is 96%. That’s the only action you can take on your turn. You better hope the party can stop the army from hitting the power source of this spell before it finishes.
Roll for intelligence… 5. Since that would be more than 100 the progress of the spell rolls back to 91%.
A crack forms below you… and suddenly a tunnel collapses inward beneath your feet.
After a short while your fall is arrested. You are now snagged in a web, in the dim light lit from where you fell you can see this web goes on, all around you, seemingly forever.
I cast CVE-2014-0160… at the darkness
You roll a 1.
This causes an unauthorized access exception and a giant bouncer rapidly approaches, screaming in fury.
The orc becomes a pile of gelatin, quivering, you now must choose what it will become.
Roll for…
Agile Method
Daemon Process
Static files as in static file handling in a web server no CGI, modules, server side code required.
Just like positrons are the opposite of electrons maybe passkeys send private keys and keep the public ones in PKI… wait…
Plus it didn’t kill Goliath but stunned him. David then cut his head off.
So, you know, those who fall by the sling die by the sword
Seems normal for academia. What I would suggest is a very clear wall between those and any social media accounts and online profiles where it makes sense.
Interesting to see this one pop up again.
Steve Lehto did a good overview of this from a legal perspective
Especially the warrant argument. Dude was on parole, warrant would be an easy get instead of just being lazy.
Possible something on your motherboard has PCIe lanes that are dedicated to GPU when it’s slotted, otherwise they can be used for other devices?
For example here’s a post about m.2 slots that, when used, affect the PCI on a particular board. May be worth checking your boards manual to see if there’s something similar.
The answer not only seemed a HUGE disappointment, but a bit baffling. The pdf manual says if you occupy that 5th m.2 slot, which is the Gen 5 one, the Pci-E 1 slot is automatically downgraded to 8x. This I thought would be unacceptable if running a behemoth like the RTX 4090 I eventually plan to get, as it requires a lot of power and bandwidth.
I love the internet archive but yeah, there was just no way this wasn’t going to backfire. And by handling things the way they did they damaged the reasonable defense of archivist (not only for themselves) because publishers and others often cite that archival and backups are just “pseudonyms” “synonymous” for piracy.
They aren’t but the way this was handled made it impossible for them to argue otherwise and it also creates a legal precedent for lawsuits and judgments by publishers against others who are doing such work.
I guess the trouble is that you don’t want to read the volumes where the db files are because they’re not guaranteed to be consistent at a given point in time right?
Does the given engine support a backup method/utility that can be used to copy files to some volume on a set schedule?
Exactly. At the end of the day there’s nothing being transmitted with OTP and using a standard app isn’t an issue.
It’s a fine line. If they’re working on them reporting the issue before it’s resolved increases the risk somebody can use this as a kind of todo list of social and technical engineering weakpoints to get at other user data.