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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • To some extent that is true. But on the other hand, Windows is both usually easier to learn (has a UI for 99% of stuff, basic design principles dictate that it’s much easier to remember what to click on than what to type), and it just works. I rarely have to interact with the OS in any way to get something to work. I’ve tried multiple times to switch to Linux, but it just has so much stuff that doesn’t work out of the box, or at all. Da Vinci Resolve has a native version which is completely broken, Dota 2 has a native version but doesn’t pre compile shaders, so whenever e.g. I open a new hero in the hero list it lags for 1-2s, many games with anti cheat don’t work, good luck with anything in VR, no popular distro that I’ve seen has a clipboard and the ones I found online are just worse than the Windows one, etc.

    I want to switch, I really do, but I’m already a power user on Windows, I would have to learn a lot to be on the same level on Linux, add onto that the fact that a lot of stuf that’s important to me just doesn’t work properly on Linux, it just doesn’t make sense for me, and for most people they’re gonna be a lot less willing to switch. Most people will not bother trying to change something, even if it’s objectively better. Most people just want to stick with what already works for them, and until Linux is able to just work with no need for user intervention, especially through terminals which people fear, it’s still a long way from mainstream adoption.

  • Linus explored that bug, it’s not so much with recent laptops as it is with Windows sleep in general. For some god forsaken reason, if your laptop is connected to a network while plugged in and you put it to sleep, and then unplug your laptop from the power, it will burn through its battery and die. This doesn’t happen if you unplug your laptop before you put it into sleep mode. My guess is that while it’s plugged in, Windows thinks it’s fine for it to run a bit hotter, but when you unplug it while it’s in sleep mode, it doesn’t realise it’s not plugged in anymore and drains the battery. Idk how they have still not fixed this after many years, but it is still a problem.