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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Dice

    [edge of pic] …your game


    With enough tries, you will eventually roll a twenty

    Cognitive Dissonance

    He has a degree in statistics. But he will still roll a d20 five times at the game store and declare, “This rolls high. I’ll take it!”


    Trust in the oracular power of the dice

    Sometimes in Life

    You don’t know if you rolled the dice nicely

  • Someday I hope we have a server technology that’s platform-agnostic and you can just add things like “Minecraft Server” or “Email Server” to a list and it’ll install, configure, and host everything in the list with a sensible default config. I imagine you could make the technology fairly easily, although keeping up with new services, versions, security updates, etc. would be quite the hassle. But that’s what collaboration is for!