I am ashamed to admit I went back to Facebook recently hoping to reconnect with some old friends.

I used a VPN, and had ublock origin on. Facebook never told me to turn these things off.

After about a month, Facebook suddenly banned my account, allowing me to appeal. To do that appeal, they are requesting selfie in which I am moving my head around.

This seems incredibly invasive to me and I’m not entirely sure they aren’t just doing this to permanently ban me based on biometrics. If they had just asked me not to use ublock origin, I would have done that.

The original ban notice said I was using a technology that wasn’t allowed on Facebook.

The first email said: "We’ve noticed some unusual activity on your Facebook account and have restricted its access to advertising. Any ads connected to your account are currently disabled.

To learn more, please review our Advertising policies affecting business assets.

If you believe your account was incorrectly restricted, click the Fix issue button below to verify your account.

You have until July 07, 2025 to fix the issue before the account is permanently disabled.

We used technology to detect this violation and carry out this decision. Further violations of our Advertising Standards may result in your account being disabled or restricted."

What’s so weird is I don’t use Facebook marketplace or anything like that. Then they said the account was just banned.

"Your Facebook account has been suspended. This is because your account, or activity on it, doesn’t follow our Community Standards on account integrity.

If you think we suspended your account by mistake, you have 180 days to appeal our decision. If you miss this deadline your account will be permanently disabled."

As a minority who has been arrested and feels marginalized by society, but isn’t pretending to be anyone other than me, I’m left wondering why this occurred. I didn’t get any notices about this at all prior to their asking. I also was arrested at one point and so when I add former friends, I don’t know if some people are mortified to know me and so report the account and that is why this is happening or what is going on.

Does anyone know if doing some awful video like this would restore the account, or are they just trying to get more biometric information to ban me permanently? I really wish there were an alternative to Facebook. I hate it and they are so vicious with how they suddenly ban people.

I am unlikely to be willing to do a selfie in which I look left right up and down or whatever, as I don’t believe Facebook will delete it.

Right before the ban, I was talking with an ex from a long time ago, who seemed friendly at first. Now I’m wondering if this person reported me and this is why this happened. They said they had to go to lunch, be right back, and it was sort of late for lunch.

I really hate the world and the planet sometimes. Facebook is just terrible and mean and I don’t actually believe that such a 3D selfie, which is sort of what they seem to want, is going to not be stored in some government database.

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Do not provide Facebook with any bio-identifiers, driver’s license, or other personal data. There is no question at all about their practices. They will sell your shit to anyone who will pay them, and continue building quite the alarming profile on you which you cannot see.