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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • It’s also about the fact that social standards and laws change. What may be perfectly acceptable today, could cost you your job or freedom in a few years.

    Look at how many people lost their jobs, careers, and social standings because of old tweets that were resurfaced years later. That’s not even legal changes, just social propriety changes. The internet used to be the Wild West. People would go out with guns blazing, hootin ’ and a hollerin’. Then several years later we found ourselves in this socially progressive identity focused environment and shit people said in passing, likely without any thought at all, suddenly became part of their public identity.

    Now imagine that there’s a drastic change in the law. Today you’re celebrating pride month, and 5 years from now homosexuality is outlawed retroactively… Seems preposterous, but it’s really not. We need our privacy, from both the government and corporations.

  • There’s a whole scene where they mutiny against their leader because they’re starving and dog tired. They want to eat the hobbits, and the only thing that stopped them was one of them getting beheaded for mutiny, and then getting decimated by a squadron of Rohan horsemen. I love that they took the time to include that, since it makes it more believable. The Uruk-hai were pushed to their absolute limits and then beyond, and they snapped, just like men would.