Anna’s archive
Anna’s archive
Seems like the usual person / bot who used to post these garbage articles got blocked by too many people and saw their votes decrease, so they made a new account.
Seems AI generated.
I’m not the first person to note this:
This account keeps spamming low quality articles by “newsline paper”, seems like an ad campaign to me.
Slightly off-topic, but what happened to the left astronaut in the picture? Looks like he hasn’t slept in a month
What browser and ad blocker are you using that you’re getting ads and autoplay isn’t blocked?
No it’s not. Arm is a RISC architecture. RISC-V also is a RISC architecture.
Arm is explicitly not RISC-V.
I still have the very first SSD I ever bought, a 120GB Samsung 830 that is well over 10 years old. It is the OS drive in my server and thus running 24/7. No errors yet.
Does innertune support Spotify playlists etc?
You can relax somewhat, it’s (hopefully) either meant as a joke or the poster is seriously uninformed.
Competing VR/AR is and was awesome already. No need for a massively overpriced spying device to “innovate” on a working concept.
Yup, no one outside of China uses anything made with Chinese technology, ever. Sent from my oil-powered mechanical smartphone /s