That seems like something a mimic would say.
That seems like something a mimic would say.
Would have been more fun, if less accurate, to call them pinecones.
This is similar to the premise of Prey.
That’s a very creative name.
edit: To be clear, I was referring to the conglomerate name. I have no opinion on yours.
Most stores I go to have a “store” card that they scan when I say I don’t have one.
I have met people who claimed to be “allergic” to Wi-Fi. They’ve found suggestions (perhaps ironically online) that they should move to this area, avoiding exposure to their proclaimed allergen.
“Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.”
(Even then I’m not so sure)
Yes. I also use the heel of my hand, at least on the left side, at least for modifier keys. Everyone who has ever observed this (well, minus one, to be technically accurate) seems to have been personally offended by it.
That could be, but the bowl is communal between our four animals. I wish she wouldn’t.
That does sound very annoying! The first time I noticed my cat doing this, her food and litter box were in the basement, which was stone and dirt in that house. (We put them down there because it was the only place in that house where we could practically prevent the dog from getting to them.) Nowadays the cat stuff is in, essentially, a much cleaner sun porch; as a result, we still have to clean her bowl more frequently than seems reasonable, but it lasts a lot longer than it used to.
For some reason one of my cats only drinks water that she scoops up with her foot.
It means we have to clean her bowl way more often than should be necessary because the debris her feet collect gets deposited in the water bowl.
With all respect, the first paragraph seems self contradictory.
Believe that’s the point.
Per day … Right?
With self hosted email and at least Proton Mail (and probably other paid solutions), you can set up a “catch all” address. With that, any non existing email gets redirected to one; for me, I have so, while goes to my inbox, and, I don’t know, both go to I don’t need an individual entry for every alias and I can specifically block any address that’s particularly spammy or compromised.
I hear that you can have a similar setup with something called SimpleLogin, but I’ve never tried that.
From context, I assume Mobile Device Management, though I’ve never heard it it being used other than by an employer.
So if I wear pineapple armor I become a God Emperor?