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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • You may want to explain to them why this is the case. There are a lot of reasons google wouldnt have your location:

    1. You are an iPhone user without any Google apps

    2. You are a custom ROM user and have specifically gone out of your way to not install Google Play Services or any Google apps (this is me!)

    3. You are a PinePhone or Librem 5 user and are using Arch (btw) or another distro like Phosh

    4. You don’t have a mobile phone and communicate completely via desktop/laptop and/or landline phone

    5. You genuinely think Google doesn’t harvest your location 8 ways to sunday on stock Android (in which case you are factually and completely wrong - opt-out toggles should be treated as illusory on locked down proprietary systems like Google Play Services).

  • I’m honestly fine with it.

    Saying “we need a better system” without understanding why we have the current system we do is not helpful.

    I work with hosting services and resource constraints every day at work.

    Someone like Google can give you instantaneous updates because they have billions of dollars and can host data farms across the globe for billions of users to access whenever they feel like it.

    OpenStreetMaps likely doesn’t have this kind of funding and gets by on what they have. They are running fine now on the small amount of users they have, but if the usage suddenly 10x’d or 100x’d overnight from a popular app like Organic Maps switching to realtime downloads straight from the tap, the servers would ignite (not literally, I hope).

    What I would like you to do is draft up a proposal for how to overcome the financial and technical hurdles needed to allow a much larger userbase to constantly hit the OSM service. This would be a much better use of your time. Once you’re done, submit it to the Organic Maps and OpenStreetMaps staff to try to get it moving forward, or at least talked about.