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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Free Software, proprietary, open-weight models, source-available, FLOSS, copyleft, permissive license.

    I think “open source” should mean what the OSI wants it to say, since they coined that term. But not all people agree and since they use it for different things and marketing, it’s lost some of its intended meaning. I don’t want to confuse people. And I also don’t like to use terms that can be (mis)used by the source-available people or people who add the commons clause, so I always try to include “free” as in freedom or “libre”.

  • I think you’re completely right with that assessment. Journalist used to be a reputable profession. And explaining things and processing raw information into something that can be consumed by the reader, deemed important. Especially getting it right. There is a whole process to it if you do it professionally. And curating content and deciding what is significant and gets an audience is equally as important.

    Doing away with all of that is like replacing your New York Times with your 5-year-old and whatever she took from watching the news.

  • Uh yeah, I’m not sure. I’ve tried summarizing with AI tools. And there is the bot here on Lemmy that summarizes stuff… I never liked any of that. It’s really a mixed bag, from pretty okay summaries to entirely missing the point of the original article to bordering on false information. I think we’re far from there yet. However, it’s a common use-case for AI. Maybe in 1-2 years I can stop being afraid of misinformation being fed to me. Currently, I think the incorrectness of the information still outweighs any potential benefit. The more complicated it gets, thus making you in need of a summary in the first place, the more biased and skewed the results get. So I don’t see that happen in the very near future. But we definitely should keep up doing the research and pushing that.

    Tagging and organizing is something I’d like an AI for.

  • Cloudflare, Pagekite, a cheap VPS with a reverse proxy. Maybe IPv6-only access if your CGNat does that, ngrok, serveo, rathole, sish, a VPN… I also found portmap-io, webhook relay, packetriot and countless other smaller companies. There are quite some tools and services available. And which one is right for you might depend on the exact situation and what you’re hosting. I’m not an expert on this. I have an internet connection without a NAT, and additionally a really tiny VPS with a mailserver, a small website and wireguard. I just use that to tunnel through NAT if i need to. But that means I haven’t compared all the other services since I don’t need them (yet.) I’ve learned a bit about Cloudflare from this discussion.

  • Thx for explaining. I think I halfway know what this is about now. I don’t think I’m their target group. But I learned something about web application firewalls in the process and that is a good thing. I think I’m going to activate that for some of my private services since it’s so easy and look up if there are good ip ban lists. It’s a bummer that I don’t get to see proper documentation on this, since security is all about exact facts and scenarios. But I guess no answer is also an answer. If they just feed buzzwords to me, either my initial skepticism was warranted, or I’m just not their target audience and they only target enterprise users. Either way I’m better off with my current approach. I appreciate I got to learn something :-)

  • I tried to look it up but I wasn’t very successful. What they do in their free tier keeps being a mystery to me. In the $20/month is the the core ruleset from ModSecurity. I don’t need to pay them $20 to deploy that for me, the dataset is free and publicly available. I’ve just installed it on my VPS… It’s only a few lines in Nginx to enable that.

    And what you’re talking about is $200 a month. I seriously doubt anyone here uses that plan for their homeserver. I wouldn’t pay $2400 in a year for it.

    I still don’t get how that would work. Sure you can filter spam that way. And migitate attacks while the worst wave washes through the net. Or do machine learning and find out if usage patterns change. But how would it extend to 0-days faster than the software gets patched? This sounds more like snake-oil to me. If someone finds a way to inject something into a Nextcloud plugin and change things in the database so they have access… And then they do it to 100 cloudflare customers… How would Cloudflare know? If it’s a 0-day, they -per definition- don’t know in advance. And they’re just WAF, they don’t know if a user is authorized by mistake or if they’re supposed to have access. And they don’t know anything about my database, since it runs on my machine. And they also don’t know about the endpoints of the software and which request is going to trigger a vulnerability unless this manifests in some obvious (to them) way. Like 100 machines immediately start blasting spam through their connection and there is one common request in the logfiles. Otherwise all they can do is protect against known exploits. Maybe race the software vendor and filter things before they got patched. I just don’t see any substantial 0-day protection that extends to more than “keep your server up to date and don’t use unmaintained software.” Especially not for the home-user.

  • I mean theoretically… I guess, if they do it right? It depends a bit. Some Linux distributions are crazy fast with patching stuff. And some stable channels have a really good track record of open vulnerabilities. Nowadays that’s not the only way of distributing software, vulnerability might depend on your docker container setup etc.

    Are there actual numbers what Cloudflare adds on top? What 0-days they focus on? I mean do they have someone sitting there, reading Lemmy CVEs and then immediately getting to action to write a regex that filters out such requests?

    And how much does it cost? They also list the same ModSecurity in their lower plans. I don’t think 0day protection would help people like me if it’s $200 a month.