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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • There’s all kinds of people being born every day, growing up and becoming self hosting unRAID users. Meanwhile current license holders are growing older and dying off.

    How is continuing to charge for new people to get into unRAID unsustainable? If it’s worked this long but isn’t now then increase the prices, or watch your overhead.

    I’m here until my pro license starts costing me again. If that happens, I’ll likely jump just like I have done with other products I paid for that changed our original agreement.

  • Ya, but it’s hard to use logic for a company that realistically has too much money and power if they decide they want to ‘win’ against ad-blockers.

    That said, I do use adblock(Ublock Origin), Sponsorblock, and I even have / use pihole in the house, and I guess being a ‘premium’ subscriber overrides their messing with ad blockers. With my TV(nvidia shield) or Browser (Firefox) I do not get any delays / problems. So at least that’s good for now.

  • I’m definitely not trying to sell MacBooks or convince others of that.

    I just like them better then windows for general day to day use especially if you have a windows machine as a backup :)

    I loved the touchpad so much I only ever used that on my work laptops at the office or traveling. I also stopped using secondary monitors in lou of the extended desktops with the ease of swiping to a second, third or whatever all with a easy flick in the touchpad it became unnecessary to have an external monitor for 99% of the time (for me)

    I’m also a long time Linux user so being able to drop into a native shell is pretty nice

  • Again, my point was initially in response to you associating build quality with the materials chosen. I don’t believe those are related how you represented them.

    My two MBPs I used for work, (including a windows 10 vm on parallels) managed to get a lot done over the years well beyond browsing the web.

    I was/am not arguing about which OS has more compatibility, programs etc. That’s a completely different topic. Hell, the M1 was very limited with native apps for a long time.

    As you conseeded, the touchpad is superior. Since I literally use that 95% of the time I’m on a laptop, that’s a pretty big factor in usability. My HP360 was around $1200 (HP Spectre 13t x360) the MBA was $950.

    My HP36 after a few years had to be returned to have it’s motherboard replacement., The one bonus there was they upgraded it from an i5 to an i7 which was nice.

    My second work MBP did have the infamous butterfly keys, and eventually one key started having issues last year. Again as NOT an Apple fan, the machine was under an extended warranty and with permission from work I dealt directly with apple to get it fixed. They sent me a box overnight, I returned it on a Monday, had it back the following Thursday with a new keyboard and battery.

    Everything has good and bad, I think what apple is going to prevent consumers repairing their own stuff is terrible. I still like / have generally had a more pleasant experience using their laptops over Windows machines.

    Completely unrelated, I absolutely hate iPhones though!