/u/clay_pigeon on Reddit

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I wanted to play a necromancer of no particular class, whose skeletal grandmother followed him around under his thrall. His village practiced a kind of ancestor worship where on holidays they animate the skeletons of their family and dress them up in clothes and jewelry and try to (symbolically) show them a good time as a gesture of appreciation. The tribe’s forest was burned down or village destroyed and PC had to run for it, taking only his most prized possession - the bones of his matriarch. Over the course of the campaign I’d like to add nicer clothes and jewelry to the skeleton, maybe give it magic items.

    Ultimately it’s just not feasible to play a non-evil necromancer, and my table doesn’t play evil anyway either.

    Throwaway idea: A Loxodon (elephant) bard named Harry Elefánte.

  • I like the vibe, the layout, and the narrators voice. Some comments/questions.

    You define “p100” but don’t explain that you will need other dice (or random generation).e.g. Astrologer says it “adds P5 charges” but doesn’t tell you what P5 means.

    The weapons table introduced short/medium/long range (I assume!) But those ranges don’t seem to matter in the combat section. “AP”, “2H”, and “MR” aren’t defined. I am guessing Armor Points, Two handed, and Melee/Ranged.

    What is the maximum charge capacity of Glass Stars? How do they gain levels, or is it the player who is gaining levels somehow?

    The Rubine star can heal deep wounds. Which are those?

    Only using the tens place of scores for combat suggests to me that switching to a d10 system instead of d100 may simplify the rules and play without losing much.

    Overall I think it’s pretty cool. It needs more detail to make a playable game out of it, I think, or some editing and rules redesign to keep it a two-pager.