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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • Frankly, I think this is a very good thing. One of the worst things to happen to roleplaying was a generation of GMs thinking they have to be Brennan Lee Mulligan or Matt Mercer.

    Stop worrying about how marketable your game is. Stop worrying about how good your writing and your performances are. Roleplaying games are, by their nature, intimate. Every single game is an experience shared between a small group of people. And that’s exactly what makes them so powerful.

    I’ve lost track of how many times players have literally cried during my games. I’m talking “Grave of The Fireflies” kind of tears here, not “My GM is an abusive dick” tears. Just the other day one my players told me that I’m the reason they can’t listen to a particular song without crying, because it reminded them of a particular moment in one of my games. And that’s the sort of thing that makes you think “Holy shit, I should be recording/livestreaming this.” But if I did that, none of those moments would have ever happened, because my players aren’t professional actors, and they would have been so self conscious about performing to a crowd that they would never have lost themselves in their characters like that.

    Enjoy the intimacy. Enjoy the imperfection. There’s nothing else like it.

  • I’ll see about digging up recommendations if I can, but I’m on my phone right now.

    My biggest single piece of advice would be this: Understand that your reader does not share your context.

    What this means is that you have to question your assumptions. Ask yourself, is this something everyone knows, or something only I know? Is this something that’s an accepted standard, or is it simply my personal default? If it is an accepted standard, how widely can I assume that accepted standard is known?

    A really common example of this in self-hosting is poorly documented Docker instructions. A lot of projects suffer from either a lack of instructions for Docker deployment, because they assume that anyone deploying the project has spent 200 hours learning the specifics of chroot and namespaces and can build their own OCI runtime from scratch, or needlessly precise Docker instructions built around one hyper-specific deployment method that completely break when you try to use them in a slightly different context.

    A particularly important element of this is explaining the choices you’re making as you make them. For example a lot of self-hosted projects will include a compose file, but will refuse to in any way discuss what elements are required, and what elements are customisable. Someone who knows enough about Docker, and has lots of other detailed knowledge about the Linux file system, networking, etc, can generally puzzle it out for themselves, but most people aren’t going to be coming in with that kind of knowledge. The problem is that programmers do have that knowledge, and as the Xkcd comic says, even when they try to compensate for it they still vastly overestimate how much everyone else knows.

    OK, I said I’d try for examples later, but while writing this one did come to mind. Haugene’s transmission-openvpn container implementation has absolutely incredible documentation. Like, this is top tier, absolutely how to do it; https://haugene.github.io/docker-transmission-openvpn/

    Starts off with a section that every doc should include; what this does and how it does it. Then goes into specific steps, with, wonder of wonders, notes on what assumptions they’ve made and what things you might want to change. And then, most importantly, detailed instructions on every single configuration option, what it does, and how to set it correctly, including a written example for every single option. Absolutely beautiful. Making docs like this is more work, for sure, but it makes your project - even something like this that’s just implementing other people’s apps in a container - a thousand times more usable.

    (I’ve focused on docker in all my examples here, but all of this applies to non-containerized apps too)

  • It’s not so much that Dockge shows more, and more that it does more. Log viewing in Dockge is actually pretty bad; it’s honestly the one thing that really needs more work. But Dockge is a full management plane; it allows you to deploy, modify, bring up and bring down entire compose stacks. Dozzle is only a log viewer, nothing else. Given that log viewing is the one thing Dockge does badly, they’re actually a perfect complement to each other, and I’d strongly recommend running both.

  • OK, so right now you’re mounting the remote shares as user moose, but then you tried to chown those folders to user $USER. In case you don’t know this, the $ sign indicates a variable; the command is actually subbing in the name of the user who ran the command.

    Now the question here is, what user is radarr / sonarr running under? If you’re running them directly on your machine without docker, that’s probably being set by a systemd task that runs the programs in startup.

    You need to make sure that that user has the ability to write to those media folders. The simplest way to do this would probably be to edit the systemd units to run the arr programs as moose, since that’s apparently an unprivileged user you created just for mounting the shares.

  • Voroxpete@sh.itjust.workstoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelf-hosted dvr
    2 months ago

    Yes, you will need a tuner card or USB tuner. The go to apps are mythtv and Kodi. I’d start with Kodi and see if that does the job for you. If you check the Kodi wiki you’ll find resources on what specific tuner cards work best.

    Self hosted DVRs are definitely a dying breed, but there’s stuff out there if you’re willing to dig.

    For Jellyfin integration, once you have the files you should be able to dump them out to a folder where Jellyfin can scan them.

  • Being a terminal purist is wonderful for those of us who live our lives deep in the caverns of Linux, but in actual production use you very often find situations where less technical users have to interact with the systems that we build.

    For my work, I need a way for low level tech support and technicians to go in and restart a container from time to time, and these people curl up in a ball and scream if you show them a command prompt. Having a UI removes a lot of friction.