• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Still, don’t they require ID and phone number and shit these days ?

    I’ve got no idea. I haven’t had to do either, but I’ve had my account for years, and pretty much only use it to keep track of birthdays.

    I’ve used marketplace a few times for buying and haven’t had to add any extra info, it just connects me with the seller through Messenger. I’m in the UK if that makes any difference.

  • Sorry for the slow reply, I’ve been away :)

    I set up Syncthing on my wife’s computer, and she disabled it because she didn’t recognise it. I don’t know whether to feel annoyed or proud of her :D

    I’d forgotten about Tailscale. I’ve been meaning to set it up anyway on my media server, so that could be a great solution. I’m torn between hosting at home or something remote, on the off chance that I leave the festival at some point and have to pass everything on.

    (Sorry, I’m just adding this part to remind me later)

    If I set up a subdomain to point to the Tailscale domain, the next person could self host and I’d just need to redirect the subdomain to their Tailscale domain. I need to check how the shared app / program would cope with that.

  • Sorry for the slow reply, I’ve been away :)

    It’s good to know that it is free for self hosting, thanks :)

    I don’t mind a complicated setup for at home, as I’ll be setting the devices up anyway, it’s when I want to use something for the group that I run into problems.

    At least three of the guys on the committee are bad with technology. They’re in their 60s and 70s, and have never had to do more than the basics on computers. The rest are standard users. It should be interesting trying to get them all on the same page 🙈

  • Thanks for the suggestions :)

    I had a look at the livesync, but they mention the server now charging, and they’re looking at other options, but I’m too tired to make sense of it now, I’ll have to look again in the morning.

    I’ve temporarily set up Google Keep, just to keep the holiday on track while I figure the rest out. Frustratingly, it was stupidly easy to set up. I just entered the note, selected the collaborator option, and entered my wife’s email address.

    I understand why the open source solutions aren’t that straightforward, but it’s annoying to see how easy it could be if money wasn’t an issue.

  • Thanks for replying :)

    It doesn’t have to be real time, but it would make things a lot easier. We’re both trying to get diagnosed with ADHD, and we tend to forget things until something reminds us, so if we get a reminder about a note, we’d both be likely to act on the reminder immediately so that we don’t forget again. (It’s a fun situation >.< ).

    My current system gets around real-time collaboration needs by using 3 obsidian notes in a shared obsidian vault.

    Again, with the probable ADHD, that sort of workflow would never work for us. I can understand why you want to get away from it.

    Someone else mentioned Hedgedoc, so I’m having another look at it. I mistook it for an online document tool, so I definitely need to read through the site again.

    For the festival, I’m mostly thinking of things behind the scenes, like if I need someone to write up some text for the website, I could add it to a note or todo list, and they could see it there, rather than me waiting to send a message in the morning, and them sending one back when they think it’s a reasonable time.