If they tell you you don’t need protection, you need more protection.
DM me cute anime girls.
If they tell you you don’t need protection, you need more protection.
And it still managed to be the paladins fault…
I got attached to my character just in time for drama to shelf the campaign.
Sorry, I’m boring.
For what its worth, I have seen the same thing with a VPN. Sometimes changing servers will work. They also flat out block logins if they don’t like your browser settings.
I just gave up on using the site. If they tell you you don’t need protection, YOU NEED PROTECTION.
Im in the US. The law dose not apply to businesses who can pay bribes.
My bank would probably tell everyone before they did.
My biggest concern is they will hold your data hostage if you don’t pay or try to leave.
Feel bad for the Arazona guys that don’t get to witness the newest porn fad.
They just outlawed 99% of the internet?
I hop around a few blocking DNS providers but I use that as a fallback. I don’t control the list, though. I just need a good chance to play around with it. Rethink checks all the boxes though.
Checked it out, just realised how out of date my setup is now. I got some setting up to do.
How’s adblocking? I need to use some apps from the Play Store and my blocker requires root to not be crappy. Is there something built in?
But then I can’t google my number when I forget.
With how much they been cash grabbing, I’m not surprised.
If only I could convince 30 people I barely know to switch platforms.
Everyone calls me paranoid for even just giving a shit about being spied on. Am I supposed to enjoy getting reamed by the rich?
I was thinking something like free data plan till they disable the transmitter or at least an unplug. Never bought a new car, do you agree to terms and conditions or sign a contract specifically mentioning/consenting to the tracking?
I can’t wait to see tuturials. I don’t know much about cars and would love to see people disable these, or perhaps do something malicious. Not that I have a new enough car yet, but I know one day it’s going to be unavoidable.
Yes, but if you don’t log 8 hours with 2 other paying Campaign Pro players that week, you won’t get your content unlock.
It doesn’t matter if its the worst possible place if its still the only place they can operate in. The biggest soap box is what they want.