“Don’t worry miss judge, it’s just the tip.” - the average bard.
“Don’t worry miss judge, it’s just the tip.” - the average bard.
And is the only way to stop the evil lich queen, to kill the kid with kindness and raise it to be a loving and responsible adult?
Because if so, your world is fucked. No DnD party is able to properly raise anything but hell and chaos.
I already saw this happening on Reddit. The largest subreddit were filled with generic posts. They got a lot of content, not necessarily good content. But there were plenty of small or medium sized subreddits that had much better content. The Fediverse feels like it is missing the big subreddits. It also feels too small to have the small niche subreddits. What is here in terms of content feels more like a few medium sized subreddits.
Nobody dies of “old age”. As you become older, it is becomes harder to survive various diseases or afflictions. But where do you draw the line? If someone was to weak and fragile to leave their bed, and died due to no longer getting any energie from food, is that dying of old age? And what if they are to fragile to leave their cage?
If one is allowed to set timespan for “execution” to “however long it takes me to die of old age”, then I argue it is also perfectly fine to take some liberty with the definition of “die of old age”.
Sure thing. You will do so in that cage over there. To the guards: He already had his last meal.
Or you play a system that has build a world where the age of exploration, king Arthur, the Russian revolution, the hanseatic league, the itialian city states, the spanish inquisition, and much more are all happening at the same time.
7th Sea has some wacky world building, but it stays realistic enough to be quite believable and coherent.