Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
Authleft is associated with overly structured planning and consequential wastage.
Very skinny
I mean, if your party is dealing that kind of damage, they should probably be demanding more than 30gp to kill a guy.
Those are the best moments, tbh
Has he tried flirting with her
They do come from a land down under…
Me, playing a ratman at a human dinner party in some big-but-mundane mansion garden: “Are there any cats around?”
My DM, unsuspecting and interested in where I’m going: “It seems reasonable that there would be a cat. Yeah, let’s say there’s a cat.”
Me: “Is anyone looking?”
My DM, suddenly concerned: “… no…?”
Retrospectively recognizing Henry Cavill as the minor guy at the start/end is a wild moment
What a fantastic movie
Whoever did them was brilliant!
Alternatively, his blade was not very deadly unless he got it in someone’s mouth.
Astarion is a vampire, one supposes he had a little snack
Well, we can only find out by consuming them.
There’s no way in hell the nurse just said “yeah ok got it fam” and went along with her day like it wasn’t important.
I suspect that, if true, it was clarified further down the line before treatment. Or, considering how I’ve been in-and-out of the ER, the nurse just wrote down ‘human bite’ regardless of what the patient claimed lmao.
Like I said. It’s the internet. I’m not saying it’s definitely real. But it’s far from impossible.
Do commoners not go down to -9? I don’t think any session I’ve ever played bothered with caring about the peasantry, lmao
You ever try to get blood out in a hurry?
I mean, obviously this is the internet and nothing is real, but it’s not impossible that they still had some blood on them in the frenzy to get to the hospital.
Excellent write-up, I’d just like to say as an irrelevant aside