Instead of a “renaissance man”, I’m a “renaissance nerd”. Pinball? Sure. Sci-fi? Of course. video games? Natch. 70’s Italian Prog-rock? A raison d’etre.
1mb would take around 6 minutes, since IIRC your speed would be closer to 28.8 than 56 (I seem to recall that 56k was in large part due to compression, and those file types are all compressed).
Yeah, definitely a concert to Mermaid.
Excalidraw. Reading is hard. (Yeah, I missed that it was mentioned in the thread)
What did you use to chart this? And nicely done.
Check and make sure that Snaps didn’t get installed somehow. Upgraded Ubuntu and it installed snaps, which broke it.
Trump, if that wasn’t a WHOOSH
I use Feedly. It’s not Google News, but it works well, the mobile app is great, and it’s not going to be killed on a whim.