Lettuce eat lettuce

Always eat your greens!

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • IP white lists and firewall exceptions will help, but exposing ports on your home router is almost always a bad idea, especially for something as trivial as a game server.

    I would highly recommend Tailscale. It’s free for up to 3 users, and if you have more friends than that, I would have them all sign up with free accounts and then share your laptop device with their tailnets.

    It’s very easy to setup and use, costs nothing, and will be far more secure than opening ports and trying to set up IP white lists, protocol limitations, etc.

    Tailscale creates something called an “overlay network” it’s basically a virtual LAN that exists on top of your real network and can be extended to other people and devices over the internet. It’s fully encrypted, fast, and like I said, very easy to set up.

  • Performance and how configurable things are, plus ease of use.

    For instance, my default router/modem device from my ISP was super clunky and confusing. I needed to set up some custom port forwarding and firewall rules. The aftermarket router I bought was faster, had way better wireless coverage, and the UI was so much easier to set up the configs I needed.

    So it’s up to you, from what you said, seems like you probably would be good with the default from your ISP.

  • This is kind of like asking, “what is water worth?”

    To an upper middle class person in the developed world, a dollar or two. To a person stranded in a desert, they might literally kill for it.

    If you are just a Joe shmoe out in the world living a basic life, privacy might not be worth hardly anything. But if you’re a whistle blower or a political dissident in an authoritarian country, your privacy is worth everything.

  • Go to your favorite YT creator’s channels and download important content! Educational content, lectures, nostalgic content. Anything and everything you have the storage for.

    One day, it will be locked away behind paywalls, poisoned with ads, or just deleted entirely.

    Part of preparing for war is stockpiling supplies. Buy bulk storage. An extra 2-4 TB hard drive can be bought for 100-200 dollars. It doesn’t have to be fancy, get a friend or two to go in with you on it.

    Download and save everything you value. Rip your physical media and save it, pirate the shows and movies you love. One day it will be locked away or stolen from you because the terms of service changed.

    Please don’t delay, I wish I had started years ago myself.