Autistic tech enthusiast and entrepreneur

Sysadmin, Moderator, Technician, Lizard owner, Minecrafter.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I use ionos since 10 years and I‘m very happy, but only for webhosting stuff. The VPS Services I get from Hetzner and I havent really tested them.

    I did have a meeting with IONOS this week though about it and I‘m positive about the UI for new vps owners since its quite easy to grasp but I dont think they’re a better option than hetzner.

  • Thanks for elaborating a bit. I opted against the password app since I wanted to diversify services. My nextcloud is a bit finnicky at times and wants to be updated before you can proceed with stuff. Having no access to my passwords in that moment would be harsh. So I opted for vaultwarden and it even has firefox integration, cli integration and a desktop app for linux (dunno about windows, honestly). I‘m not sure if it was a bad idea to put NC‘s database on spinning discs though. Maybe that was stupid.

    As you can see, very much a WIP as well. I feel like we need some kind of place to accumulate iCloud -> NC expats. A lot of good could be done there.

    I‘m on matrix as well but i‘m not proficient yet. My wife is still on whatsapp so I need to be patient. We have gotten rid of twitter and reddit which I count as a win.

    What other projects do you have? Feel free to send me a dm with your matrix username if you want to keep in touch about this.

  • I‘m also migrating from iCloud (to NC among other things) and its been slow to say the least. Things I struggle with:

    • setting up photo alternative with face recognition (recognition app is okayish but not as strong as I‘d like)
    • getting whatsapp to somehow backup outside of iCloud
    • getting my passwords out of iCloud (you need a mac for that) into vaultwarden
    • NC being quite slow now that a couple apps and mid 5 digits of photos are in there, will try memcache soonish

    For those who don’t know NC, these things are 1/10 of the stuff that NC is actually good at imo.

    How is your experience so far?

  • Nextcloud (or docker for that matter) are rather complex.

    Permission problems are every day life in linux, you always have to sudo or - if you change that - someone else can vaporize your server and steal all your data. Linux is infinitely more secure because it is a nightmare to use casually with a complex setup. Some windows script kiddie is gonna die inside your directories and never be found again.

    Writing a script that you need to make executable first? Chowning files that are made by docker? Having to use a specific user inside docker (in case of nextcloud especially)?

    All these things are incredibly frustrating but given the sheer complexity of nextcloud, it’s actually working rather good imo. So does linux.

    I‘m not shitting on linux, docker or nc. I love them all but saying they’re not working just says they’re not plug and play yet. Other examples: most things snap are a mystery for me. Freakin permissions.

  • Man, that was a wild ride. Thanks for the link.

    Yes, that’s lemmy for you. You happened to point out something in a way that showed some frustration and people started attacking you for it.

    They are either 12 or 42 and live in their mothers basement with linux as their whole identity. They don’t read thoroughly nor do they accept criticism.

    I‘ve encountered them before. Don’t worry. If this makes you feel bad, consider wording your comments differently.

    Maybe expand a bit on why and don’t answer to obvious troll questions, at least not honestly, like the implication that you‘re using pirated windows.

    A complete moron could have seen that you were just frustrated with seeing no way out of windows and getting it blindly suggested still. That is not your fault.

  • Exactly. Most importantly, „it is unclear if the autopilot was active“ is an admission of guilt in my book. A system that is highly critical (impacting steering, accelerating and decelerating a 2+ ton vehicle with multiple people on board) is unclear if active means they are completely clueless of their own products status and should be fully liable. You can not sell something like this at all. I feel like they (people in charge) should go to jail for negligent manslaughter.

  • I have to disagree here.

    You‘re making a lot of assumptions here that are not easily connected imo.

    Stress being a good motivator is correct but on relative terms. Too much stress destroys you and people have been a lot more productive back then comparing labor that they are today. Most people move away from grueling manual labor which you can see in the ongoing shortages in labor intensive jobs such as carpentry (which I have worked in in the past btw). There is no evidence that reducing stress would be a bad thing.

    Also, it feels to me as if you‘re trying to apply the things I‘ve said to your model of thinking instead of trying to understand my way of thinking, experience and therefore why I come to the conclusions I do. A typical problem of our stressed times.

    What I‘m trying to say is that the stress level has been a lot lower in all past times and you can see psychiatric medication and stress diseases skyrocketing for a couple years if not decades.

    We are playing a dangerous shell game of distracting each other and ourselves from the facts that we can’t become more productive without sacrificing our freedom and our sanity.

    And stuff has not become cheaper and we are not earning more. That is complete and utter bs. Buying a cell phone (which you now need for work whatsapp groups) is becoming more and more expensive, tvs tripled in price. There even are lists you can look at. The average inflation has been nearly 2 digits for the past couple of years.

    There are interesting charts showing the comparison of wages to inflation and they‘re shocking.

    So frankly, I find it a little upsetting that you would say the extreme opposite. I would call this disinformation.

    Source for european real wages falling:

    Source for us real wages stagnating for 50 yrs: