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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • So Google is selling license for code and technologies. They’ve shown no ownership of in a competitor’s product? Google is actively funding litigious troll shell corporations who shown no actual harm to harass and drain competitors resources? Google is creating and using secret apis for themselves. Breaking the ones for third parties in order to hold them back?

    I’m not saying Google’s good Or anything. Not defending them in any way. But they’ve got a long way to go before they reach Microsoft level. Microsoft is literally the reason why before going public. Google had the motto of don’t be evil.

  • Krita is heavily oriented for digital painting. But it is a very solid editor too. The interface took some time to get used to. Though I like it.

    But absolutely, good is subjective. It really depends on your needs. If you’re looking to edit spicy memes anything could work. If you’re looking for non destructive workflow GIMP and krita are starting to implement that. And if you’re looking for traditional publishing specific support, good CMYK, gamut, etc. Not so much to my knowledge? If you just want familiarish… Gimp these days can imitate the classic Photoshop interface okay.

  • I bet you say all this unironically in your head while wearing a Che shirt.

    Careful, that’s another antique. And no. I don’t wear my politics in any way. And would definitely not wear anything with Guevara as I have rather strong ideological differences with him.

    I don’t have any cognitive dissonance. Thank you very much.

    At this point I’m inclined to agree. You seem insincere and more concerned with poor attempts at unsuccessful trolling.

    Lenin, look how great that turned out.

    I agree. You can even check my post history as I’ve effectively said the exact same thing elsewhere. Today even. I just have actually valid, non hypothetical criticism to offer regarding it.

  • No. Communist countries don’t exist. There are ML countries. And yes, they’re as problematic as the unregulated capitalism countries.

    Capitalism is an issue. Has been for over 100 years. As has Lenin’s malformed ideologies for almost the last 100.

    You should stop digging for antiques in your mom’s basement. Before projecting on to others.

    I was sincere in advising you to address your cognitive dissonance.

  • I am not opposed to wealthy people or billionaires or whatever. What I am against is the companies running the show and having undue influence over the government. People like Zuckerberg have way to much power over the government and that isn’t good.

    It’s the same picture.

    If you’re against people like Zuckerberg. You’re against billionaires etc. If you’re not against billionaires you’re not against people like Zuckerberg. You just want one you agree with. Musk maybe?

    I used to be against heavy regulations but we have gone to the other extreme of too little regulations.

    If only we knew who pushed for, and funded this. I mean it absolutely was not the wealthy or chad billionaires. They’re just good honest bros. They wouldn’t use that vast wealth to manipulate and lie to us.

    I am tired of my insurance being tied to my employer. I am tired of forced arbitration agreements

    Guess who. Guess who. Those things are in the vested interest of the wealthy and especially billionaires. Though they would never leave themselves subject to them.

    The problem isn’t capitalism but human nature.

    Oof, cognitive dissonance wins again. Capitalism that isn’t so tightly regulated that it struggles to exist. Only reinforces and encourages the worst of human behavior. They’re both a problem. Together they’re a perfect storm. Literally every one of your complaints can be directly attributed to your voting habits. (If you are truly Republican) You’ve enabled it all. (So have Democrats to a much lesser extent) And still stick with identifying as the problem. Note, I’m not saying Democrats are the solution. Slightly better problem perhaps. But certainly not a solution as they currently exist. But friend, you really need to work through the cognitive dissonance and indoctrination issues. In the end you will thank yourself if you do. And that’s what matters right?