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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Look very closely at my profile picture, read my profile name very carefully, and feel like a dumbass for missing a very simple joke. If you understand that joke, I don’t think you would seriously believe I’m a communist - not like someone believing In an economic policy different from your beliefs should get your prepubescent testicles in a twist, but if it helps calm you down, I have partial ownership of a business I helped start, so you could consider me a capitalist to some degree.

    How is your last sentence even remotely a diss? You went from suggesting I live in my mom’s basement to suggesting I share the property I own and to automate the last shred of manual labor that might be available for your useless ass (which I’m literally capable of doing).

  • Edit: if you think I’m a communist because of my name username look very closely at my profile picture and tell me you think I’m serious

    Did you know countries like Russia and China have better privacy protections for their citizens (at least when it comes to protections against their corporations, not their government of course), and just buy information on US citizens from US corporations for many of their human research needs?

    Look at Cambridge Analyticas involvement in swinging the 2016 US election if you want an example of how much damage information can do when used in psyops

    I always found the C6ISR acronym in warfare to be interesting. R is reconnaissance, S is surveillance, I is intelligence, and the 6 C’s are Command and Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, and finally Combat

    You can predict when conflicts are about to rise with social media information. Frustration can be measured by looking at social circles. Consider Romeo and Juliet, they like each other, but everyone around them hates everyone else in the opposing party. Because Romeo and Juliet interact with each other positively, that means groups that don’t like each other are going to interact and human nature wants to resolve this frustration. This type of graph theory is used in the middle east to predict conflicts.

    Do you remember the protest where BLM protesters were ran over by a truck? Russia organized the protest for both left and right wing parties. They got intelligence through surveillance. They got surveillance by just buying your info from American corps.