Thanks for that, will give it a try.
Let’s just hope it won’t clash somehow with the native feature once it comes. 😄
Thanks for that, will give it a try.
Let’s just hope it won’t clash somehow with the native feature once it comes. 😄
Not OP, but I have one NanoHD upstairs, one IW-HD and one U6-IW. Basically bought them in that order when needed. The IW have the advantage to also act as Ethernet switch to a few devices like Apple TV and so on.
For me it does work that way. We have fiber as well. There’s a big box for our block, which connects all homes to individual fiber lines. The next active part is apparently some kilometers away, so even a larger outage for our area might leave my internet up and running. Had it happen twice this year, and still could use the internet fine.
And then link the issue here 🔗
I’m currently moving from duckdns to desec.io — with the hope of it being more reliable.
I don’t think it’s possible, as his deployment code is very specific to our company setup (own acme, own sso, …). Sorry. 😕
I didn’t myself, but talked to a colleague recently who set it up for our company. Apparently it was quite tricky to get the various containers set up just right, as they need to communicate with each other but also be user facing and have proper certs and so on. I don’t have any details, but usually this guy is very good at deploying stuff, so if he admits to struggling I know it must be seriously hard.
Excalidraw is great, but can be a pain to set up locally if you require the collaboration features.
That’s too bad — guess I‘ll have to find other alternatives then.
I’ve been running my current setup with ZFS and ECC the last 10 years. With data archiving (don’t want to lose my kids‘ photos) ECC is important to me, as bit flips could otherwise break files even with ZFS.
Any recommendations for rack setups? I have a (small) rack I could use.
Piggybacking on this question: any solution that provides really good indexing on those local mails, for fast wildcard searching?
Add an NVMe cache to my server and upgrade RAM if pricing permits.
From the software side there are a lot of open feature requests I keep adding to my backlog, like setting up a mail archive, reconfiguring my network (separate IoT devices into separate VLANs), maybe reconfigure some of my containers, …