Take note, folks. Watch this trend spread.
Take note, folks. Watch this trend spread.
Yeah you’re probably right. I’ve gotta get a new phone before I can really attempt it, but I’ll at least try!
I use a small local credit union that doesn’t appear on their supported list. It’s literally the only thing holding me back, I’m tempted to say fuck it anyway. But I wonder if it might work anyway…
:gestures at the entire OSR community:
Honestly, not really. I’m just kind of at a point in my life where it’s something I’m thinking about looking into, and an out-of-the-box option like this would be really handy.
I’d probably buy it.
I am WAY ootl on shopping for PCs and hardware, all the sites I used last time i did anything (god, around like 2008?) are quite defunct. Anywhere you’d recommend looking for a desktop like you’re talking about? I’d love to get my home on a selfhosted network.
That’s exactly how it goes.
That is very real. I’m in rural Appalachia and definitely adopted some turns of phrase after using them ironically. I find myself actually saying “howdy” with a straight face now.
I’m a punk from south Florida, “howdy” should not be in my vocabulary
Its fun to make fun of your own accent. How else do you mock the stupid people you see every day?
“Sure but you only know, like, five.”
Vampire: the Masquerade
“Kindred” = vampire
Nosferatu: a clan of deformed sewer-dwelling vampires who run intelligence/black market type stuff and have notoriously poor social skills
Toreador: an allied clan of vampires that are very high society stereotypically, with an ingrained appreciation for art and beauty. Typically very pretty. Surprisingly dangerous when provoked, though.
Anarchs: unaligned vampires with an anarchist motif
I just use different American accents, mostly because I’m American.
Also, because hillbilly gnomes are funny
Remember: RAW, the ability that gets used on a skill check is determined by the DM. STR is a perfectly valid ability for Intimidation.
On a related note, God I hate these skill systems, as an old-school DM. If you try to intimidate someone and it makes sense for it to work, it works.
Gotta be able to get to the body within a minute for Revivify, right?
DnD characters don’t have to get drug tested for work
Lucky bastards
Haha glad you like it! Feel free to steal it for your own, I see it as them opening another local hall :)
The Interplanar Union of Kobolds (IUK, pronounced “yuk”) is my favorite long-running gag I work into every campaign. Their HQ is in Sigil, but they have locals on most major planes. No longer will the long-suffering kobold serve its draconic masters! A fair day’s boobytrapping for a fair day’s loot!
Recently, on certain planes, they’ve opened membership to non-kobolds in unionized dungeons in a mirror of the real-world IWW’s philosophy of industrial (rather than trade) unionism. There’s been some debate about forming a new union that’s more inclusively-named, but it hasn’t gotten very far.
In-game, unionized dungeons tend to be much more organized, drawing inspiration from the old story about Tucker’s Kobolds. The kobolds are armed and armored and show strong teamwork and planning, making for a real tactical challenge for adventurers who think they can just mow through. They are, however, very open to diplomacy, and have been known to work with adventurers on occasion, especially against bourgeois dragons who attempt to enslave them.
People don’t realize how dangerous the air in confined underground spaces can be
If the players ignore your Threat, follow through with the Threat.
If the players continue to ignore the Consequences of the Threat, admit you’re now running a different game than you planned and adapt, brutally following through on the Consequences to every conclusion you can find