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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Hopefully it’s all electronic. There should be nothing to make easier.

    Meanwhile, why would you use a service that maintain privacy, while making choices to lose the benefit?

    I used to do something like that a couple decades ago. I still have a domain with wildcard email forwarding, with the goal of using a different email for every service. Then I know who leaked my information, knew which password to reset, and who to block. But it wouldn’t be difficult to connect me with the domain, so one of the reasons I stopped using it was not seeing a privacy benefit (plus it was too much work).

    Now that we have services to make it easy, let them do their thing. Every account ve created in the last 3 years has a unique generated email as well as a generated password. It’s all managed by a password manager so easy for me, and every time there’s a leak of my credential, I know which to rest or delete. I know which email to stop forwarding

  • YeaH, even the US is moving toward renewables and there are some highlights like steel production, but way too slowly, way too many lowlights, like peak fossil fuel production and export. That data shows we’re heading in the right direction, but all too slowly, we may not keep the pace, and could even see future growth in fossil fuels, all else being equal.

    I know it’s a reflection of data predictability but I’m especially frustrated they don’t see EVs getting above 30% of the fleet. I hear Biden trying to be encouraging, but this data shows us nebpver meeting his 2030 goal for transportation

  • Excellent news.

    It really needs to mention the US, though. I know this is about Europe, and trying to celebrate good news, and you’re probably tired of us making everything about the US, but we’ve “earned” our place in any article about climate change or carbon emissions.

    My country deserves to be named and shamed for lagging in something so critical. It needs to be nagged continuously to catch up. It needs to be reminded of the impact it has made and continues to make. There are still so many people who don’t believe it’s real or don’t think it will impact them and don’t care who it does impact, so many both politicians and constituents who can’t look beyond their immediate desires.

  • It’s sort of there, but maybe more to protect from criminals than abuses of authorities. All of my bank apps require a second authentication to launch or even to switch back to them.

    Granted I could turn it that off or set it to biometrics, but I leave it on PINs. A criminal wanting to steal from my bank account will need both my biometrics to unlock my phone and a different PIN per bank.

    This even provides some protection from the $5 wrench they’d use. Sure, I’ll unlock my phone at the threat of real violence. But you won’t know ahead of time what banking app I have or even how many, so you may not get them all. Pay by phone may use the same biometric but I can likely dispute those charges after the fact

    In the abuse of authority scenario, that may keep them out of my bank records but there are established paths to get that from the bank so they’re less likely to be interested. I’m sure they’re more interested in violating the privacy of my friends and family

  • I’m not entirely sure what those movies are like, and don’t want to know, but ……

    My Mom watches horrible Hallmark stuff constantly. As far as I can tell, every movie has the same plot, they are low quality, etc. The thing is they are simple feel good movies for her. She finds them relaxing and gets good feelings from them, perfectly appropriate for “entertainment “.

    If there is any parallel here, my point is that you don’t have to appreciate them for your Mom to. Why does it matter whether you agree with the movies or not: do you love her? Do you want to help her with entertainment that makes her feel good /relaxed/entertained?

  • I was just following a frittata recipe and my teen came in and we had a brief discussion on how overused video already is. In particular how tough it already is to follow a recipe on YouTube. This will make it impossible.

    Then again, they don’t care about me since I already don’t watch YouTube, because of how intrusive the ads plus the poor quality of most content. I subscribe to a news service, but I also stopped looking at recipes there as well since they’re effective at blocking print to file and bookmarks die quickly.

  • Yes, you should not be thinking about security in terms of an outside intruder here. Think about untrustworthy or potentially compromised devices.

    • WiFi smart devices are notorious for calling home, possibly collecting data, even if you’re trying to use them locally.
    • There have been botnets from unsecured video cameras, and even some compromised from before import.
    • TVs report back what you’re using them for and when, even playing through hdmi, and some have been caught listening in to your private conversations.

    How do you prevent these from happening, or limit what they can do? One way is to put them on a separate vlan without internet access (your HA or other hub can listen on multiple VLANs and be the gatekeeper) and without access to your computers.

    That being said, for similar requirements, I found managing the more complex network to be too much hassle, and went back to a simple flat network

  • Lots of foss use dual license: free for individual or non-profit use, but pay for commercial use, or even commercial use above a specific threshold. As part of my job, I’ve had to remove several of these, where the developer thinks it’s free but the corp can’t comply with the free licensing. It works.

    Here’s an extremely well known example

    I still haven’t decided what kind of company mine is with respect to foss. Its a good thing that they put effort into complying with licensing terms, they do support developers making contributions back, and historically they’ve “bought” a few foss projects (hire the developer, include that in his job responsibilities)! However I haven’t yet seen them make a corporate contribution and the first response with being out of compliance is to remove the dependency.

    So it’s good that we take it seriously, and good that we historically contributed, however we don’t seem to co tribute much anymore and clearly get more benefit from foss than we give back

  • Laziness.

    Every phone supports SMS. It’s not all that long ago that people had feature phones, but they also supported SMS. We went through thing like Facebook Messenger, but only for Facebook users, AOL Instant Messenger but only for AOL victims. Every texting/chat app has its followers but none have become dominant enough to unseat SMS.

    I don’t care what texting app I use, and SMS has sufficient features (although RCS would be better). However I care most about contacting everyone I may want to, using one texting app. That’s SMS, no contest.

    Or maybe credit the dominance of Apple. I use iMessages and most people I chat with do as well. However it seamlessly Integrates with SMS so I still get all my contacts in one place