I’ve been into computers since around the mid 70s. First one was an Altair 8000. I have been selfhosting for years now, self taught and helped along of course by the selfhosting communities.

Not to speak bad of the dead, but I’ve really had it up to my back teeth with their bullshit. So I am in search of some self hosting brethren to chum around with. I figured I’d give Lemmy a try. It’s kind of confusing, but hopefully I can wrap my 70 year old head around it.

I’ve seen a few selfhost forum around the fediverse but they all seem to have been abandoned with threads a year or more old, and no movement. So my question, is there a thriving selfhost/homelab type place that is active? Perhaps one of you good souls could point me in the right direction.

Is there any benefit to hosting your own Lemmy and mesh it with the other Lemmey’s out there? What benefit would that be? From what I understand, hosting your own instance turns out to just be your own personal blog.

I mean, I understand the fediverse, and decentralization, I’m just having a bit of difficulty getting in with the right, active, group.


ETA: Thank you for the very warm welcome. Hopefully I will be turtley enough for the turtle club.

  • billwashere@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    I gotta comment on the mid 70s thing and how great it is to hear that. I have also been into computers since the late 70s (well and early 80s) although I imagine I got started a little younger than you … like I was 8 and writing basic/ assembly on my various machines back in the day (TRS-80 Model III, Tandy CoCo 2, Coleco Adam, C64). So I’m only mid 50s and I thought I was the old guy around here :) But damn if you don’t give me hope that I can stay like this for many years to come.

    • irmadlad@lemmy.worldOP
      3 days ago

      Well thanks. I feel fortunate to be alive. My first computer was an Altair. Then the Timex/Sinclair, the TI, then just about one of each until some semblance of base line was established and not 20 companies producing propriety devices. It’s been a wild ride. I’m also a mediocre musician of about 65 years and the technology still blows me away every time I sit down to my DAW and controllers.

      Sorry to have taken your ‘OldHead’ status from you. lol