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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • You can long press the period beside the enter button for some punctuation, though the swipe through that pop up after the long press is a little janky.

    You can also long press letter keys for variations on that letter.

    I’m typing this on an iPhone and I just tested both those things to make sure I wasn’t lying to you lol. What feature is missing? Its been a few years since I used android regularly so I seem to have forgotten.

  • Yep! Sorry for unsolicited acronym, I realize that’s a really annoying thing to get in reply comments.

    Any time an app tells you to “use Google authenticator” you can use any authenticator. That QR code they give you to scan for setup can be read by lots of apps. I personally like authy, and it is a very easy cross platform switch when you bounce from android to iPhone or whatever. Keep copies of your backup passwords tho! No matter which app you choose, either print them out or put them in a password manager or whatever Very Secure Method you like.

    That being said if you’re happy with your setup that’s awesome and no need to fix what ain’t bugging ya.

  • Honestly I don’t know, but worth adding to your list to look into I imagine. I know they have children’s products, but I haven’t had occasion to poke into that myself. You’re still giving someone your (and your kid’s) data, but if what you’re looking for is an alternative to the Bluetooth tracking and mesh, and to Apple/Google, then solid GPS in comsumer devices seems like a good alternative product category to investigate.

    Do let us know which way you go with this. It’s annoying that you can’t track your kid privately, I’d just never really thought about it before. Interested to see where you land!

  • Unfortunately most of the cheap trackers (airtags, tiles, etc) rely on networks of Bluetooth sniffing users, so less ubiquitous varieties will necessarily be less effective.

    Even as privacy enthusiasts, my family and I have opted for Garmin products. Reliability in backwoods and off road situations is more important than privacy, and that calculation may apply to you even in urban settings given its a child you’re talking about. It’s a drag that you have to choose, but so it goes.