Thanks! This is what I was looking for.
Osmand is great for most of what I need on a daily basis, but on a trip a few years ago, some of the hiking trails were not up to date and we got lost. It wasn’t terrible, but it was uncomfortable and fortunately we had paper maps.
I would like to use the maps provided by the park or forestry service since I like to think that they’re current, but they rely on Avenza which relies on Google. I’m okay taking a risk on Avenza for the short duration of the trip and plan to not give it network access, but I doubt I could do that with Google Play services, much less cleanly uninstall it after the trip is over.
I’m running /e/ OS 1.8.1. Avenza seems to be the problem here. There are other apps too, but this is the lastest. It’s frustrating to be required to use closed source proprietary software for public services, like the forestry maps.