• 2 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: May 15th, 2019

  • If you look at Hillary’s broader statements, she has always favored universal single-payer healthcare. She worked her ass off to get a plan passed in 1994, and she was relentlessly attacked for it.

    The last time Democrats got successful movement on healthcare was March 2010 with a filibuster proof Democratic majority in the Senate, a majority in the House, and a popular new president in the White House. Even then, only a relatively tepid compromise bill was passed, with even the “public option” stripped out (thanks Joe Lieberman).

    Will conditions change in the future? Quite possibly, especially as our health care becomes increasingly unaffordable. Maybe it’s not so helpful to have senior politicians telling voters something is impossible and potentially affecting the Overton Window. But Hillary’s warning, that Bernie Sanders’ plan hadn’t a chance of getting passed, was a good reality check.

  • Are we replacing infrastructure or are we just adding capacity?

    They are ultimately going to wind up as one and the same. We need to add more capacity before we can rid ourselves entirely of fossil fuel. Using grid power for things like HVAC, cooking, and electric vehicles means those devices get more CO2 efficient as the grid generation gets more efficient.

    What is this number if you exclude China?

    According to this source, largely unchanged. China’s a touch above the average, but relies heavily on fossil fuel, with a large share of that being very dirty coal. Its campaign to install renewables is encouraging, though.

  • pingveno@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.ml...
    5 months ago

    Yeah, I have it for personal photos that will never be shared. If I am traveling, I want a record of where a given photo was. But those aren’t photos I am sharing, and the ones I do share get their metadata stripped.

  • I’m pretty sure Microsoft can tell them to fuck off. Maybe they pay millions, but even then MS has to weigh the possibility of bad press and lawsuits against a relatively paltry sum. The larger problem will be if someone finds a workaround or simply ignores the terms of service, I think. This article talked about the “United States Police Department,” but there is no such department. Law enforcement in the US is highly fragmented across the federal, state, and local levels. Any of them could just decide to break the terms of service.

  • I have one from 2015 that is literally falling apart, but it still works okay. I’m going to be sad when I have to finally give up on it. Unfortunately, it’s not great for repair. I was going to replace the keyboard because some keys are malfunctioning, but it requires basically pulling apart the whole computer including some parts that are taped on.