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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panopticon

    The panopticon is a design of institutional building with an inbuilt system of control, originated by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century. The concept is to allow all prisoners of an institution to be observed by a single corrections officer, without the inmates knowing whether or not they are being watched.

    *Although it is physically impossible for the single guard to observe all the inmates’ cells at once, the fact that the inmates cannot know when they are being watched motivates them to act as though they are all being watched at all times. They are effectively compelled to self-regulation. The architecture consists of a rotunda with an inspection house at its centre. From the centre, the manager or staff are able to watch the inmates. Bentham conceived the basic plan as being equally applicable to hospitals, schools, sanatoriums, and asylums. He devoted most of his efforts to developing a design for a panopticon prison, so the term now usually refers to that. *

  • Asking the person you’re debating to look up your own citations is certainly one way to converse. But ok, let’s go for it.

    In Aug 2023, Forbes published an article describing the proposal of “unfettered access” you referred to:


    In June 2024, the Washington Post reported that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) turned down the proposal and includes some broad reporting as to why:


    The article isn’t very technical, but it mentions some interesting responsibility angles that the US wouldn’t want to back themselves into:

    • throwing open some, but not all, doors to server operations and source code creates a mountain of work for the government to inspect, which would be a workload nightmare
    • the US government’s deepest concerns seem to be about what data is going out (usage insights on the virtuous side and clipboard/mic/camera monitoring on the ultra shady side) and data coming in (bespoke content intended to influence US residents of China-aligned goals). Usage insights are relatively benign from national security perspective (especially when you can just mandate that people in important roles aren’t permitted to use it). Shady monitoring should be discoverable through app source code monitoring, which you can put the app platforms (Apple, Google, whoever else) on the hook for if they continue to insist on having walled app gardens (and if you trust them at all). The content shaping is harder to put your finger on though, since it’s super easy to abstract logic as far out as you need to avoid detection. “Here, look at these 50M lines of code that run stateside, and yeah, there are some API calls to stuff outside the sandbox. Is that such a big deal?” Spoiler: it is a big deal.
    • the US can’t hold Byte Dance accountable so long as it remains in China. Let’s say the US agreed to all this, spent all the effort to uncover some hidden shady activity that they don’t like (after an untold amount of time has passed). What then? They can’t legally go after Byte Dance’s foreign entity. The US can prosecute the US employees, but it’s totally possible to organize in such a way that leaves those domestic employees free from misdeeds, leaving prosecutors unable to enforce misdeeds fairly. It’d be a mess.

    The second article explains this somewhat, but I’m admittedly painting some conjecture on top regarding how a malicious actor could behave. I’ve got no evidence that Byte Dance is actually doing any of that.

    But going back to the “influence the public” angle, I’m struggling to see how different TikTok is versus NHK America (Japan’s American broadcasts) or RT (American media from the Russian standpoint) aside from being wildly more successful and popular. But I guess that’s all there is to it.

    I’d prefer our leaders also be transparent with us regarding their concerns about TikTok. The reductive “because China!!1!” argument is not compelling on its own.

  • I’m a liberal WA resident, and there’s entirely too much influence here by big tech for me to trust national legislation regarding privacy baselines coming from legilators based within my state.

    This is the sort of area where I’d like to see legislation forged from a partnership between a fiercely left-leaning state that supports individual rights (OR? MA?) and a similar libertarian-leaning right-wing state that shares similar beliefs on individual liberties (WY? MT?).

  • LibreWolf and the Tor browser would not exist as they do today if Mozilla was not taking money from Google and DuckDuckGo and all those ad companies to develop Firefox as free open source software that could be forked by privacy-forward groups.

    So sure, it would be nice if Mozilla made a privacy-focused Firefox version natively, but if a handful of concessions (that I can continue to turn off) are what it takes to have a performant, full-featured, modern FOSS web browser, I’ll take that deal.

  • Consumer Reports created an iOS and Android app that collects your account information for a bunch of businesses and provides the option of sending “do not sell” requests to them en-mass. It also helps you delete unwanted accounts and stay up to date on which businesses are doing what with your data.

    Not bad, but it all depends on how much you trust Consumer Reports. It appears they have a fairly good reputation as a consumer advocacy non-profit, but I didn’t do much deep dive research.

    Ideally, this is something FTC would have a hand in for consumers in the United States – improving EULA comprehension. I can imagine a world where businesses and applications have EULAs with ESRB-like ratings or tags: “location data”, “purchase history”, “3rd party data exports”, “X year retention” to show what you’re agreeing to. I’d love to brainstorm on how else that could change.