i don’t see ligatures in apps i use, like notepad++, Windows Terminal, Notepad and Notepads, also shame it doesn’t support powerline features
i don’t see ligatures in apps i use, like notepad++, Windows Terminal, Notepad and Notepads, also shame it doesn’t support powerline features
Well, their previous fonts are nice, Calibri etc
i was pointing at lay-user of smartphones that don’t want to give facebook or google their phone number while they are already spied on by countless companies with Google and Meta among them,
same people probably have pasted some appropriate clause on their facebook
that was vaguely implied by “smarphone”
BuT cOrPoRaTiOnS tRaCk YoUr LoCaTiOn If yOu GiVe ThEm YouR nUmBeR
Like they’d need your phone number to do that when you probably already have a smartphone with Facebook installed
yup, that’s the tradeoff, this or reaching for your procrastinating device, but yeah, maybe Bitwarden could be better alternative, now i’m too lazy to migrate + it’s paid
Authy has a desktop app and syncing across devices
that’s wicked, pay for something, just to not pay someone else
I remember seeing it here a month ago…