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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Of course they are not factual.

    seems unlikely to me that the equivalent descendants of those people would live without civilization.

    Some of the people who were trafficked were a lot more literate and well-educated than their captors or eventual “owners”.

    I really wish the history of the African kingdoms was taught in schools. Or even basic modern politics and society since the person you’re replying to seems to think modern people living in Lagos or wherever are “running from lions” somehow.

    Poverty, perhaps

    We’re dealing with counterfactuals here but:

    …in a world where the African kingdoms were able to freely exchange culture and inventions with the West instead of being attacked and exploited by them for hundreds of years, we have no reason at all to think those in the world’s second largest continent, such a resource-rich place, would be living in poverty at all.

  • When I was a kid, there was this joke that involved getting a calculator to say “boobs” and then with a bit more input, “boobless”.

    Journalism is currently going through a more sophisticated version of this with AI.

    LLMs will say whatever. They don’t think and they don’t care. They contradict themselves all the time. Not so long ago Chat GPT was saying it would kill the entire world population and save Musk for the good of humanity.

    Various CEOs of large companies, on the other hand, have been implicated in genocides and slavery for centuries now. That’s very real.

  • Yeah the article ends up pretty much making this point too:

    We’re at the dawn of a platform shift. As Google tunes its algorithms and incorporates more AI content into its search results, the business model of the entire internet is undergoing an unpredictable change. Over the long term, Reddit’s scrambling efforts at financial security may prove just as futile as the moderators’ attempts to fight back.

    I’m really glad to be out from under all that corporate social media bs.