Yeah, welfare here is mostly app/phone based. You can technically get around it, but it requires visiting a dwindling number of centres very regularly and waiting in long queues.
Yeah, welfare here is mostly app/phone based. You can technically get around it, but it requires visiting a dwindling number of centres very regularly and waiting in long queues.
TSA sounds nightmarish to me
Gave it a shot this morning, I could see myself missing buses. However, I do really dislike mobile interfaces. My thumb is too wide to reliably click things
You are just a 5e hater.
Yes (though mostly a 3.5 hater, though hate is probably way too strong a word, more like a “I wish 80% of RPG players played something else”) (I haven’t played 5e, played a bunch of 4e)
This thread feels like someone half remembering playing technomancers in shadowrun.
I also feel like D&D is kinda hard to learn and has decades of terminology and baggage that contribute to that. Ah well
me slowly putting away my logarithmic power curve and orbital mechanics RPG that no one will ever play
I feel like people like remembering shenanigans or getting one over a shitty GM, but actually playing it was a slog especially with experienced power gamers at the same as new players. Also apparently enjoy arguing semantics to “win”. Bleh
I could have guessed a lot of this >.>
Part of me likes poring over lists of slightly different things with complex interactions, but for the most part I think such rules are a relic back when the design philosophy seemed to be “use these dice” and “the players might do it, there should be a rule and probably a roll”.
Also SR5 having drug effects separate to the drug prices, among many other things. I really want to see a more nerdy SR vidya but that probably won’t happen
I always feel a world apart from horny PCs, my characters are very sexless even if there’s no reason for them to be
I remember one Dark Heresy campaign where the majority of damage caused to the players was dropped grenades and Molotov cocktails.
Kind of interesting. I wonder if I’ve helped keep any odd torrents alive
NewPipe lets you listen to youtube videos without the screen on (and also download them or just the audio).
Probably the main thing I use
Bleh, had an argument with someone about switching to signal or something other than FB messenger and he flat out refused on the basis that it would require him to have another app on his phone.
Three months later, he had signal installed on his phone. No idea what happened there, probably someone with more social clout than I had got him to install it. No mention of the prior argument.
What’s going on in this popular thread?
I can’t believe these ethical altruists are so amoral. Wow
I’m really having a hard time understanding this meme