They had a choice: stop being stupid, or keep being stupid, but also be an insecure bitch about it.
The second one is easier.
They had a choice: stop being stupid, or keep being stupid, but also be an insecure bitch about it.
The second one is easier.
The perfumers have arrived. You do not escape. They spray you with scents until you’re like a sad, wet dog.
Not a DND expert but generally the trope with Fey is that their magic uses people’s names so If a fey knows your name they can do whatever they want to you.
I only trust myself to show up to scheduled meetings.
I like da fishy
His name is now Leonardo da fishy.
My first result:
LMAO searching “____ reddit” is the only time I visit their site.
They just really have no clue.
People would cut their arm off of the marketing was good enough.
That’s certainly a quote that will stick with me.
You’re going to have to drag my corpse into a lab to put any neuro any-fucking-thing in or on my head.
I have a vampire the masquerade v20 book and some supplements, not because I’m interested in running it, but because I think it’s the most compelling vampire fiction ever written.
Those other skeletons were just quitters.
Mfers really saw the “drink verification can” copypasta and are trying to make it real.
Yup. The “free” market says that if everyone does the same shit, you have no choice, and they still make more money.
I think the privacy protection is fixing the issues.
So now in addition to “right to repair” we now need a “right to break” so companies can disappear off the planet if they try this shit.
Downvoting was always just fast food validation that you’re better than someone else without having to actually back it up.
Look into Huckleberry Finn removal from schools.
To be clear, I think there’s value in teaching that book with context, but not teaching that context does make the book problematic.
They’re probably talking about the racist books being pulled out of grade school because at that level of education they have no value. But of course Republicans see that as equal to banning LGBT literature because they’re chodes.
I was considering a new email. Bullet dodged!