Great resource. Thank you!
Of the responses so far, this one brought me the most joy.
We call this cocktail hour.
That’s hilarious. Is the item still floating around in there?
How did you come to play a gelatinous cube? What do the other players play?
This is excellent. Most of the answers here are what game to play, in other words, what mechanics can be used to force the horror feeling. This is purely about narrative, which can apply to any system. Thank you for sharing.
Yes, I agree. As far as I can tell, these are compiled by an actual human, Darryl Mott, and the quality shows.
“Tabletop journalism deserves better than this, and so do you”
“This post is for subscribers only.”
I’m mostly in the same boat as you. I have tried several times to get into Critical Role since everyone raves about it, plus a few others. It’s not for me. I suppose it’s because I don’t have any emotional connection with the actual play where I would have that investment with my own game. I will say that I did enjoy Dungeons & Daddies though, but that show is more like listening to a comedy podcast about fantasy rather than an actual play.
In this article: ways to railroad your party into your story and make sure their victory is as unsatisfying as possible.
Thanks for taking the time to write that.
I sure wish I had as much time as these blogs seem to think I do.
I agree. They will not get my click.
I bought the PDFs when they were on sale but have not yet played. This was helpful, thanks!
It has taken us 4 years to work through two calendar months.
Holy shit. And from level 1 to 9-10.
I haven’t played in person seriously for many years. We’re starting a new in-person group here soon, so I’m going to have to figure something out. I have a boatload of 3 ring binders so I will probably do the clear sleeve thing like you do, Mike. And then promptly pull them all out to spread around the table because I am a loose-leaf person at heart.
If you have a mystery situation set up and the party has a solution that cuts right to the end, I don’t see the problem. My feeling is, instead of figuring out ways to force people into your line of roleplaying, play into their solution and let them feel good about it.
Damn that’s kinda great.
Well now I’m going to come back and read this extra hard.