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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020

  • Even owning Smart devices and having them always plugged in may potentially be a vector, Rob did a good breakdown on how this is achieved.


    Did you know that your IOT devices are secretly communicating with each other? This includes IOT devices that are not in your home. Did you know that what your IOT devices do may be transmitted to third parties? Did you know that your TV may also have the capability and may currently be transmitting your activity far and wide?

    There are secret communications occurring between IOT devices using protocols like Bluetooth LE, Zigbee, Thread, 802.15, and LoRa that you likely didn’t expect or was not explained when you bought these devices.

    Just like Amazon Echo has been conscripted to work with the Amazon Sidewalk Mesh network, other networks are in operation

  • I think your best bet is to assume that everything you don’t control is a vector.

    The modems run binary blobs you don’t control.

    A standard modem with a singular hookup to a router is as good as it gets. Maybe you are contemplating the modem as a combo – if it is also a router and wifi, you can bet the ISP sees that as “Their Network” and not “Your Network” and any WiFi capabilities could be used to reverse hack insecure devices theoretically like smart TV or IoT.

    You could put the modem router combo in a Faraday cage to dampen the signal theoretically.

    That may not be answers to the query but I think the smart short answer is: yes, unless verified no.

    Edit: to go further, theoretically they can capture any traffic and if they get the encryption key decrypt the traffic.

    Or maybe with a quantum computer decrypt with ease. And if you have any leaks or there are backdoors then who knows what the consequences could be, cough cough xz

  • Block the ISP DNS and use your own on the router level.

    You could look into wireguard or VPN on the router level.

    Probably OpenSense.

    As long ad your device has a IMEI though not like it matters.

    There’s probably a million other things you would need too. Make sure your browser doesn’t use its own DNS, eg, Firefox + CloudFlare by default.

    I assume you could theoretically split traffic up over multiple ISP’s making it a PITA to try to make sense of.

    Also obviously separate trusted & untrusted devices, WiFi and wired into separate networks.

  • I saw the popularity on AUR several times and installed but couldn’t figure out why people use it.

    Their website cites GDPR or whatever and is honestly kindof meh.

    I was interested in the conversation layout, advanced email headers and recoloring things like folders but idk if they have that or not.

    Also I’ve always been annoyed that half the dialogs are integrated tabs and the compose email is a window that can’t be nested. I can’t remember if they fixed that or not.

    I wasn’t personally impressed by the logo, it reminded me of a 2000s Mozilla but maybe that was intended. It didn’t have enough distinguishment from other Mozilla products while communicating that it was for Email or related to Thunderbird. It honestly looks like a browser.


  • I’m not sure what Gait is but I am sure that if people start to ditch their phones and mask it will get a lot more difficult to Geofence ID crowds or whatever.

    I’m sure that as pressure on people increases their tactics and strategies will evolve as needed.

    This is a great opportunity to push for open hardware to develop all the capabilities of a cellphone without any of the tracking.

  • I mean assuming you live in a city you are being photographed up to thousands of times a day already.

    And a lot of those video devices are using Google Corel TensorFlow.

    There was a YouTube channel of a guy that goes around videotaping people in public because it’s legal.

    His point was this is already the default mode of society.

    It would be funny if people normalized full face masks with printed designs in response to this future.