A bully always makes sense when the other kid can’t punch back. Aircraft carriers are a wonderful tool as long as small actors don’t have the asymmetric ability to sink them.
A bully always makes sense when the other kid can’t punch back. Aircraft carriers are a wonderful tool as long as small actors don’t have the asymmetric ability to sink them.
Let them look cool.
Too much time is spent working around the players’ abilities to make a fight challenging. Some fights should look hard but have a player ability break them. Let them use the powers they earned.
This slightly ties to the idea that the game is not the players against the DM, it is the players against the world, while the DM narrates.
Always a pleasure to see your work.
Everyone remember this guy has a patreon!
Maybe a cello if it was human grade. But that’s tartigrade.
I’m free on Friday nights, I’ll bring pizza.
The intermediate step is a human stealth aircraft commanding multiple drone weapons platforms.
We hear so little about the Chinese station, but it’s pretty impressive
Such great art… support his patreon if you can!
Cook Pot of Concealment. Any edible item in the pot is invisible to a creature that could eat it until removed.
Book of secrets. When opened, the book displays a secret whispered in the last minute, at least 50 miles away, somewhere on this plane.
Ring of attunement: allows one additional item to be attuned for the player (requires attunement)
More! More!
I hope you’ve made it out of russia, things are getting nuts there. I wouldn’t even be in georgia now if I was you.
Now this is a Noncredible Defense.
Best turrets in space, gotta give them that.
He sounds credible, don’t be so defensive.
I’d also consider if this person has admin privileges to the room, so you can have a backup way to contact the group if you’re kicked.
I heard when he got married, his new mother-in-law required six surgeons to remove the shit-eating grin she had after her next Sunday mah jong game.
Oh you are in for a treat. Streams continuously on adult swim. Season 2 starts to really take off in quality.
I feel like you’re either just starting to learn rhetoric or military theory, and I am rooting for you either way, there is a lot to learn ahead of you.