Cryptocurrency was supposed to solve this problem; instead we ended up with endless grifting and memecoins designed to leave ignorant rubes holding the bag.
Cryptocurrency was supposed to solve this problem; instead we ended up with endless grifting and memecoins designed to leave ignorant rubes holding the bag.
Yes, Tim Apple bent the knee, but the company seems to be holding steadfast.
no u
I agree so much. The game I mention was fun and simple when it launched, and they keep enshittifying more and more with this rot. The interface is nothing but a huge wall of dancing meaningless icons.
I think that’s viewing it from the current lens. At the time, the big promise was that you could pay for things without involving all of those pesky big companies. Naive, yes, but the idea of a secure financial transaction is similar in nature to the current tap/wallet methods. But yes, it was commandeered by crooks almost immediately.