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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Each one of those posts has hundreds or more comments and upvotes. Lemmy is still relatively small. I’m positive this is all over Reddit but I’m not gonna go check. The outrage is here and it is thriving where posts directly pointing to solutions are not (they get maybe ten to twenty upvotes and a handful of comments each). There have been multiple articles in the news cycle about it.

    It was similar with the Netflix price hike and the Netflix anti-password sharing going public. Remains to be seen whether that outrage will actually amount to anything.

  • “Yes, a security researcher revealed this week that even DuckDuckGo, which markets itself as “the internet privacy company,” made an exception for its business partner Microsoft to its browser’s blocking of some advertising trackers on websites, sparking accusations of betraying its purported privacy ethos.”

    No offense but I am not sure why people trust duckduckgo or brave. Brave for the obvious concerns with controversy surrounding their CEO. And duckduckgo for essentially being diet bing.

  • atrielienz@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Here’s a question. Do you think the rest that showed up on Jan 6th were just taken in by mob mentality, or?

    I have to wonder about the difference here too. If what you’re saying is true, civil rights movements across the world have been little more than people who felt that they were justified to commit acts of violence because that’s the only way to change a behaviour they felt was detrimentally affecting them. And what you’re saying is that’s wrong. But chances are it has a direct effect on your freedoms that you enjoy today. So who’s wrong here? The realist who knows that they may someday be driven to violence because their livelihood or rights are endangered.or infringed, or the person who wants to pretend we live in a world where we can effect change only through non violent means?

    And keep in mind that while this particular example of capitalist greed and overreach does not affect rights and freedoms, it is part of a systemic problem that on the whole is detrimentally effecting rights and freedoms as well as people’s ability to live. Because capitalism is all about keeping a class of poor people poor to exploit profits.

    I’m also not convinced the threats are that credible. I think that’s a sympathy play. Them trying to be the victim.

    Force Protection is used all over the world by governments and militaries literally daily. It is definitely something that humans have been doing for the entirety of their history. And what you’re saying is that you have a sliding scale for what you feel is warranted and what is not. Not that you don’t think that threats should be used. Just that death threats is too far.

  • If your whole rant is about the death threats I think you missed the point. Because I wasn’t making a point about the death threats. I was pointing out that this particular business model they’re introducing could literally cause the creator of a game to go broke trying to pay it depending on the popularity of their product. That’s broken. And Unity should have known it was broken. And saying they’ve had credible death threats after announcing this plan is to me the same as what Spez did with Reddit after he did the AMA for his API increase and expected no backlash.

    I will say this though. I’d rather have death threats that no one follows through with that are “credible” and change a company’s behaviour than have to riot in the streets. Rioting causes a lot of collateral damage to people and places that are not involved. Historically though, the elite create systems where violence slowly but surely becomes the only avenue for change. I’m not saying this is one of them. I am saying this is capitalism and the reason everything is the way it is in the world right now. Rich people wanting to get richer at the expense of poor people.

  • atrielienz@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    That’s actually fair. But the point is that the popularity of a game could tank a developer with this business model. It could also affect past profits and purchases specifically because of the bit about downloads. It doesn’t differentiate between a user who’s downloaded a paid app on 6 different phones, 1 phone, 1000 phones. So if I for instance paid for I dunno Plants vs Zombies one time, the developer releases it with an update patch, I and then downloaded it onto every phone I have had since then or will have in the future that could be 10,.15, 20 downloads over my lifetime. What if I have a work phone? They’re not saying they can’t implement this even with old games. I don’t think they meant retroactively. I think they mean new installs of old games that have updates.

  • atrielienz@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    “But under the changes announced today, Unity Personal and Unity Pro users will pay fees if they hit $200,000 in revenue in a year and 200,000 lifetime installs. For anywhere from one to a million installs, those users will pay 20 cents per install. “It’s a price increase.”

    If I have a mobile game selling for $1 on the apple store for instance and it uses Unity, and has has a million downloads/installs I then owe Unity $200,000 for an app that I didn’t even make $500,000 on because app stores like apple’s charge a 30% cut, sales exist, and it says installs which may mean a person buys the app once and installs it on more than one device. But that doesn’t in any way directly affect my livelihood as a developer or anything. Right?

  • Imagine that you buy a phone from Google’s Google Fi MVNO cellular service. You order a phone and it’s to be delivered. The phone was part of a promotion for signing up. You paid a reduced rate for it because you are a new customer. Then the phone is stolen out of the package while in the custody of the shipping company. You make a complaint to Google because the phone never arrived and you can’t activate service and fullfill your end of the bargain without it. They say that it’s the responsibility of the shipper. You then make a complaint with the shipper who claims that although they may be at fault (not likely that they admit that), they are not on the hook for reimbursement. That you must contact Google. You go back to Google. They “escalate” your case to the next tier of customer support. You wait months. They charge you the full cost of the phone even though you never received it. They do this because per the terms of your agreement with them you did not activate service with the phone and maintain that service for the specified period of time and within a specified time limit. You contact your credit card company. They offer you the option of doing a charge back.

    Google doesn’t like that you charged back. Now your entire personal and professional google accounts and anything linked to them are gone. They nuked them. There is no customer service to contact to review what’s happened. You can’t get into company email. You can’t get into private email. You can’t get 2fa codes sent to you via email for any of your bank or other web based accounts linked to that email. Anything and everything in Google drive? Gone. Your family photos? Gone. If you use an android phone you are no longer logged into a Google account rendering your phone only partially functional. They can’t serve you with personalised ads anymore. But on the other hand you also have no recourse other than hiring a lawyer (which may be exceptionally cost prohibitive) to get revenge porn of you removed from Google search results in compliance with right to be forgotten laws and anti-revenge porn laws. Meanwhile your data still allows them to target other people you interact with. They get ads for things like the same toothpaste that was on your shopping list in Google Keep. Movies you like. Shows you’ve purchased. That data you gave them free and clear can still be used by other people and agencies to track you. Your employment history. Your rental history. Whether you’ve ever been evicted.

    They won’t sell it. But they’ll still use it. And you will have less avenues to delete it or otherwise change it.