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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • There is no metadata harvesting on Signal and the use of a phone number is so convenient and helped massively with adoption from the general unaware public.

    I loved that it acted as a private and secure drop in replacement for SMS (particularly before they removed that integration) that does what I needed and does it very well and easily connects me with people that already have my number. This made sharing Signal very easy. The only data Signal has to even provide to the authorities is your registration date, phone number, and time of last connection. The absolute minimum. It’s fantastic. If you compare this to Whatsapp which has everything but the exact content of your messages, it’s not even a contest.

    For myself on Signal and everyone else I’ve known that that uses Whatsapp or Insta or whatever, the extra absolute anonymity of also removing phone numbers from the already small equation just isn’t needed or worth it, otherwise you wouldn’t be using Signal, let alone fucking Facebook.

  • I never implied that you said they were the only problem, nor am I proving your point because you perceive me to be “triggered” by the critique that aspects of phones are contributing factors, which I also did not disagree with. I’m simply stating that there are much larger and central factors that are contributing to unhappiness such as political, social, and economic instability, and that people who focus on other people’s contrary reactions to the popular talking point that “phones are bad” are not having a discussion in good faith.

  • Yeah it’s the technological tool that’s the problem. Definitely not rising cost of living, political insanity, civil unrest, climate change, the slow stripping away of rights, war. But sure the problem is some nerd swiping up on their phone or playing video games or watching Netflix or literally any other distraction from hell world.

    Big tech are absolutely evil pieces of shit beholden to the economic system that allows them to thrive to the detriment of humanity, but to blame a magic brick in your pocket like “yeah THIS, this must be why everyone is miserable (especially youth because please think of the children)” is just an incredibly narrow way of thinking, albeit a somewhat effective boogeyman, to distract from gestures broadly how badly we’ve fucked up and how much worse it’s getting as the century progresses.

  • It’s not just European elites who are afraid of upheaval. It’s all of them. It’s one of the reasons why they all have bunkers, why Zuckerberg is building another one in Hawaii recently. They know that we can actually do something about them because we outnumber them by a lot, so they build these systems of control. Governments, corps, elites have all become noticeably more brazen in the past several years.

  • AI in 2077: Based on data provided by corpos about your consciousness, we’ve determined this is your shitpost from 2024 on Lemmy. You have been deemed a flight-risk by our automated predictive policing system. Here’s the number for the suicide hotline.

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