We as a society have evolved beyond the need for dungeons and dragons /hj
Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3
Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.
Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.
We as a society have evolved beyond the need for dungeons and dragons /hj
Japanese is such a difficult language
Thanks, tho. I learned something :P
The punchline is that, while a warlock, he is built like a twink and useless in meelee combat. Very much not a hexblade type. So the dead-goddess sword does him no good at all.
Blorbos from my friend group’s shared imagination
I explained my fursona to my therapist.
It was
A fun time.
Your comics are so cute.
Also man. I was part of 1(one) campaign that made it to high level. And it is a bit of a magical experience.
When our crew of sky pirates flew into town everyone immediately knew who they were, local authorities and groups of people were always either trying to court their favour or get rid of them at any cost, they never needed to introduce themselves – They were the Monarchs of the Storm, and their career had started with them causing an entire criminal empire to crumble (specifically because they’d messed with their friends), and only gotten more intense and destructive from there.
Shame one of our players disappeared because of Life :tm: and so we haven’t played in almost a year.
Well I’ll be.
I’ll test it more extensively, still, neat!
Seems you tested a lot of options. I’ve been testing Heliboard since the first reply I got, but uhhh…
Would any of those you tested happen to support multilingual typing? As in, detecting when you switch languages without having to tap a button? I alternate between English and Portuguese a lot and having to tap something to switch is a nuisance.
Would it make it better or worse if I told you it actually kinda-sorta worked?
Sounds promising enough, will take a look.
Ah yes
We call these ‘landlords’
Or in most fantasy settings, just ‘lords’
If only common artists could enjoy 1/100th of the protection megacorps get…
Playing in a party with just casters is a fun time.
Our entire party can deal room-wiping damage in a turn or two.
Our entire party goes down in like two or three hits.
The tankiest party member is a Magus, and even he hardly pulls tank numbers.
All of us are constantly cowed by friendly fire being a constant threat.
Our party’s main healer is a raging atheist and has a feat that says that if any divine healing spells are used on someone, he can’t attempt surgery on them for 24 hours, much to the chagrin of our party’s SECONDARY healer (though mostly a DPS) who is a divine caster.
Every combat is hectic and I love it.
Spell grows a pp, doesn’t know what to do about the vagina. Leaves it there.
Futanari transgender Orc lady.
(absolutely DO feed the DM plot ideas, actually. They love it. :3)
In another universe, Remus killed Romulus
And they had the Remen Empire