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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I suppose this scenario is actually somewhat reassuring, because the guy who killed 12 people deserves whatever misfortune falls upon him. You wouldn’t have to feel bad stealing his knowledge and memories, and could also go to the local guards to turn him in with the knowledge you’ve obtained.

    Though good luck sleeping at night with the knowledge of what it felt like to murder 12 people with your own hands and see the life fade from their eyes.

  • I have not used either, but I can say that Krita’s UI is closer to Photoshop than GIMP’s appears to be. That might be why people are opting for that application, for the sense of familiarity if they were trained on Photoshop.

    I will say that any application which is used for digital painting should also be good at image manipulation, so if Krita does both well, I can see why it would be preferred over GIMP if the painting tools are lacking.

    Looking over the screenshots, for GIMP, I am hoping that is not the default layout of tools. Having a jumbled block of icons is a lot harder to visually parse than a stack of pairs. I also find myself wondering why they use up so much space on the left to include a weird cutout of their mascot above the tools.

    On the right, I am also not sure why the layer thumbnails are pushed so far to the right when they could be immediately adjacent to the visibility toggle.

    It doesn’t look terrible to me, but I am not surprised that people using an app for visual design might be more critical of design flaws in the app itself.

  • From my experience: if you are DMing a game, don’t be afraid to accelerate the pacing faster than what you think the system recommends. Part of what kills interest in a game is if the players feel like they aren’t making progress and nothing is happening week to week.

    Do milestone levels, give a level after each “chapter” of your game, and have a chapter take 2, 3 sessions max.