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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • Yip. I took the government what, 17 years…? from suing to breaking up AT+T, and they were the largest company in America that entire time.

    At+t tried to slap em with some exorbitant long distance charges and Uncle Sam got tired of the fuck around.

    To today; Google’s been showing the wrong people the wrong kind of ads. Showing representatives ads for laundromats and daycares that offer drivinga ed after looking up how to launder money and traffic children. NO google, I did NOT mean THAT

  • They are thinking the got the customer by the balls because they’re a state sanctioned monopoly. They’re so big the CEO of Samsung has essentially the same power as the SK president.

    Every major corp out of SK is a state sanctioned monopoly. The government tells Samsung “make washing machines now” and Samsung does.

    I know it’s been widely overlooked to allow South Korea to economically develop after the armistice, cold war and all, but at some point the rest of the free trading world is going to have to hit them with tariffs to protect native, or critical industries.

    Frankly I’m really tired of looking the other way for any reason. Every other day it’s a headline about how some government or multinational led the public on a 20 year gaslighting campaign. If I were to say, “hey did you hear that story about XXXY(any well known mega corp)?” Do you think I’d have a positive wholesome story to share? No. Because there never is. The structure of a corporation is set up to protect financiers from liability from the crimes theyre guaranteed to commit thru abusive, shortsighted, toxic business. It’s literally the fucking point. But we don’t have to accept that, and we don’t have to choke back and somehow keep down our sense of justice, or be passively complicit, which is to nueter your morality, your sense of self

    Our individual actions do matter in this case. Like don’t buy shit off Temu, theyre using slave labor. Don’t endorse that. Don’t buy anything out of Dubai or Saudi Arabia, they, also, keep slaves. Don’t support slavery. Including wage slavery. Don’t do business with Israel until an non Zionist coalition is back in charge. Don’t buy anything Russian. Genocide is not an acceptable modern practice. It CAN’T be. Boycott Mississippi and Louisiana as well, since they like to let their prisoners die of treatable conditions and bury them in unmarked graves. That is ALSO a genocide. Don’t fucking fund crimes against humanity. This is kindergarten levels of sophistication.

    And hopefully enough people will actually live their morals and gain seats of power, because we have to. Otherwise waves hands THIS.

  • Tor is funded by the CIA, which means assets use it to get info or send info.

    It’s going nowhere.

    Same thing with Bitcoin. It’s not going anywhere. In fact thats the reason why the CIA can trace every Bitcoin transaction and identify the owners, which was thought no one could do, but what do you know, when you wire up 3000 ps4s into a giant supercomputer for 1/50th the cost apparently the budget opens up some and now they must have a dedicated supercomputer just for this. Those chucklefucks who blackmailed the pipeline in the SE, that energy company paid up in Bitcoin, within 24 hours the NSA/CIA had the Bitcoin back and perps arrested.

    Make your trades in favors, that’s all I’m saying.

  • I was hoping more for a to do list for my backyard, so I’ll have the molecule myself and not be beholden to Big Toothpaste.

    I’m handy, I got all kinds of tech skills, but I’ve only dabbled in chemistry. I’m not uncapable, just green and rough around the edges. I’ve done a bunch of stuff in the past, like distillations, making sodium silicate (to seal up a forge), anodizing and electroplating, or bleach thru electrolysis. I’ve also used electricity to separate and collect gases. Hell I even took a fridge apart to use it’s old compressor to compress those gasses into different tanks - all in an effort to just not have to buy CO2, nitrogen or argon. Welding with hydrogen is triiiiicky, acetylene is much nicer. I even tried cold welding in a vacuum chamber, lol, but I need a better vacuum pump, probably a rotary one. I’ve made a bunch of different kinds of batteries and super capacitors.

    I’ve thought about using calcium carbide to create my own acetylene, cuz I’ve got all the equipment I would need to capture and compress it, but y’know, I like living, and acetylene isn’t THAT expensive. Risk≠reward.

    So I guess that’s my limit.

  • That person arguing manuals are unsafe, holy.freaking.cow.

    That is a serious leap and some nanny state level opinion on personal agency and responsibility.

    People get used too what they have, I get that.

    A personal example for the readers, I was Indonesia visiting a gf’s family and rented a couple cars to get us all across one of the islands. Gf’s Aunt was driving the other car, I had the other. I had to turn around and trade cars with her because she couldn’t fathom driving an automatic and need the stick shift I was driving. Blew my mind, but I acquiesced all the same. Driving sick from the right side was hella awkward for me anyways, not impossible, just not any kind of sexy driving on my part.

    Rolling down a window is as much a distraction as drinking from a bottle of soda. If you can’t handle that behind a wheel, maybe you should reconsider being behind a wheel in its entirety.

    Some people, I don’t get it

  • The extraction and refining of the copper ore needed for the motor, which has brushes (so a finite lifespan) but is also sealed without any way to replace those brushes (not to mention the hassle of getting into the door . I don’t think I’ve ever done it, on dozens and dozens of doors, without breaking clips), so they’re manufactured essentially as a throw away item, the opposite of sustainability.

    Manual windows are easy, take no thought and if the window falls off track, you just get into the door and bend the track back into shape. Anyone can do it. You just got to open it up, roll it up and down a couple times to understand how it works and literally anyone can figure out their fix then. And at a cost of a few door clips, not an EXTREMELY overpriced $100+ for a 12v motor.

    I don’t like buying guaranteed points of failure in my purchases when I don’t have too, that’s all I’m saying.

  • I feel ya about the savings. Almost everything I buy is shopped around AliExpress, Amazon, eBay, Craigslist then local. The trick is figuring out if the physical stores are passing any of its wholesale bulk savings to you.

    Usually, that’s a laughable assumption, but some things, like individual plumbing or electrical parts, just go to the big box (except for anything copper, it’s like half the price online).

    Tractor Supply has a decent amount of items at margin. By that I mean, like 15%. Which is way more than most places.

  • Ticketmaster is known for having clauses that prohibit venues from using any other service, so the joint is either a Ticketmaster venue or independent.

    So saying there are other options it’s optimistic at best. Every year those options dwindle.

    Fuck Ticketmaster, that’s bully pulpit shit. Market manipulation.

  • Adam was touring his comedy set recently, outside Ticketmaster, which is next to impossible to do.

    I got mad respect for the guy, actually practices what he preaches.

    When he goes back on tour; if you see a show in a town you know people, help spread the word for him, since he’s doing it all homegrown.