• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023


  • I feel like I’m going to have to play in a Blades in the Dark game before I run one, but not sure how. But that would definitely be on my list.

    I got the Avatar rpg forever ago and haven’t had a chance to play it yet, either.

    And Pathfinder 2E is definitely on the list.

    Not sure if DnD 5e 2024 is different enough to count but if I can’t get a game of that going in the new year, I probably have no chance of any of these other ones happening either, so I’ll also say that one. Haven’t even delved into the differences between that and the 2014 version yet, though.

  • I don’t think it sounds stupid at all. PBTA requires a shift in how you think of rpg’s unless you started with that system. I’ve always been told that, and it seems to be true. I’m still kind of wrapping my head around it, myself. I’ve always loved the idea of it, even if I haven’t gotten it down yet, though. I bought Dungeon World, Blades in the Dark, Monster Hearts, and the Avatar rpg Kickstarter with all the extras. I wonder if I need someone else to DM me with other players around who can play it right before I can DM others, because I don’t feel like I’ve quite gotten it down despite all that lol.

  • Really? That second teleport ability sounds super fun. It means the players have to run around the battlefield fighting the monster, and interacting with the terrain, not just standing in front of each other trading blows. Plus it only happens once a round anyway so you can strategize around it.

    The first ability also sounds super cool. At that level there are ways around these things anyway. The friendly casters may have teleports of fly spells, players have dimension door and other crazy abilities from their various magic items they’ve collected for 20 levels, and a DC 27 save at that level probably isn’t that hard to hit anyway.

    Just goes to show how subjective fun is I suppose because that description makes me more excited to fight that then the standard bag of hit points 5e tarrasque.