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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Reminds me. I played a campaign a couple years ago of high fantasy pathfinder. I was a small halfling rogue and my bud was a giant jormund?something. Our strat was for him to throw me behind enemies, I would roll to not take damage or fall while landing and then he would go up to them and attack. This made it easy for me to get tons of bonus damage from flanking. Love these sort of strategies.

    In the same campaign I would stay permanently stealthed while next to the same bud because of our size difference and a feat I had that allowed me to stealth in the shadows of things bigger than me even while in plain sight.

    Same campaign I, unbeknownst to my party and I, managed to steal a weapon that was/belonged to the big baddie of the campaign. By sheer luck it’s touch insanity/corruption/damage toward anyone with an alignment effect didn’t kill me instantly because I used an ability that let me sleight of hand it from afar and I gave it to my true neutral capybara mount for safe keeping. We didn’t actually know any of this until we had to call it quits shortly after because life got in the way of a couple of us. That revelation was insane. We were all relatively low levels and the only reason we even encountered this situation was because the weapon was controlling/mentally corrupting someone who was meant to be a low level plot crumbs person that we stumbled upon. It was a high fantasy campaign and I specialized my whole build around sleight of hand, that with a high roll made it so I was able to joink this incredibly powerful and high level weapon.

  • It can be sorta easy to be casual if you have an extremely knowlgeable dm. I sorta started that way, session 0 and 1 just had him help us build our characters and run a 10 minute solo goblin ‘dungeon’ where he explained basic rules and possible actions. The moral of the story was that you can do other things beside kill npcs. Turns out if I had attempted to talk to the goblins or even explored the area I would have realized they were orphan goblin children, malnourished and afraid… Instead I slaughtered them all for no reward or reason. One hint was that non of them were armed and they always ran at my sight. Definitely stopped any murder hobo tendencies from developing. After that he did mention our rule book and linked me to read but he could have very well not and we would have chugged along fine. I prefer pathfinder now a days better.