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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Ironically, we keep being told (iirc?) that middle-management was going to be one of the first things to go with the advent of AI. Software was going to eliminate the need for it, allowing one person to manage many tens to hundreds (to thousands?) of people directly.

    Instead, most companies - like big tech, and Boeing, etc. - seem to be going the opposite direction, ditching their actual workers who produce things while keeping the managers?

    This does not seem to be going all that well for Google lately…

  • Really? I recalled reading an article about season 2, when I tried to look up wtf happened bc season 2 was just so shockingly bad, and incongruously so seeing at how great season 1 was. Their relationship must have just been strained but not broken, or the article could have been making shit up, or perhaps over time I’ve misremembered things. But I definitely recalled how one or more likely both of them wanted to use puppets (in season 1) but then had to make that mess of a CGI crap monster in season 2 - as you say for the sake of the deadline (aka profits over the integrity of the storytelling process, if they could have taken the time to have done it right).

  • OpenStars@discuss.onlinetoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkIt's terrifying...
    4 months ago

    The show was started with a pair of guys - I forget if they were brothers but they were at least reputedly friends - who had a vision of what they wanted to do. They broke apart as the show was renewed after the first seasons though, hence that immediate drop in quality from this magical wonderland to “grrr, watch beast go smash into goo”.

    From what I read, they told themselves they would have (at least) two rules: (1) never use CGI - only puppets - for the purity of what seeing them, and more importantly not seeing them, conveys; and (2) do not “sell out” the show merely for reasons of profit. Money is fine but don’t continue it unless there is a real story that wants to be told.

    After the financial success of the first season, one of the co-creators left, and the second season was literally a different show, yet Netflix lied to us all and heavily pushed it as if it were the same as the first, for profits. It backfired, and revealed all the more how Shitflix just pushes forward purely for profits at the expense of offering much that is actually worth watching.

    But if it got better after that, I might push through, one day. :-|

    Edit: oops, I meant this in reply to Spider2013@lemmy.world’s comment.

  • And judges, and journalists, and election counting officials, and engineers (tbf whistleblowers like at Boeing and for train safety may be a different style of targeting, more profit- than politics-driven), and remember the arson of Bernie Sanders house, and the guy with the hammer at Pelosi’s, plus all the random people who simply get shot b/c an angry young white man was radicalized, and we should not forget the good police who try to hold the line against the bad ones, and get harassed (possibly killed) as a result.

    Also, many doctors and nurses either died or left medicine altogether - some literally left society itself behind as they headed for the hills (mountainous regions farther away from the denser population areas) - due to their experiences during the pandemic, especially from people coming in with guns threatening them to save their loved ones, who ofc at that point were well past saving (a vaccine != a cure).

    The USA has not been a first-world nation for a long while (and not just b/c it’s an outdated term).

    This is what we get when we want BuT oUr FrEeDuMs ThO. Disinformation is deadly. I wish we would remember that the next time Marjorie Taylor Greene tweets out the home address of a fellow congressperson, which surely was not intended for any kind of… “harm”, goodness gracious me, why, perish the thought!