Perhaps it will already know which kink you want before you even do. 🤣
Perhaps it will already know which kink you want before you even do. 🤣
Yes, I wasn’t precise. I assumed we all understand it’s about the money.
I misunderstood you. I thought you meant in general.
I don’t think this is really meant to be a memory function. From this function an incredible dataset of epic proportions will be created of user computer behaviours and how certain software is used. Openai will then get metadata to train ai that will be able to use any software and do anything on a computer and understand and mimic all possible stuff. I don’t think they will literally sell the data, but in some way this will be used to train ai, probably with metadata of it. Honestly I don’t see a big deal. I guess it has to be like that. I think it would be fair to make all ai opensource since it’s trained on everyone, but for sure that’s not going to happen. But I prefer to have it than not.
With this attitude there would be no progress ever.
I hope you finish your work quicker just like me, so you can have as much free time to enjoy!
I make more money because of them! It’s not actually more, it’s just quicker, so I have more free time to enjoy my life. Sweet!
In the end everyone will die.
In hopeless because I prefer to work more efficiently, faster and to make more money instead of less. Yes, I guess I am hopeless in that kind of way.
I will only repeat this once more : Full Adobe package costs me less than an hour of work per month. Adobe software makes me save more than an hour per month (probably more like an hour per day).
That is an equation. An equation that favours Adobe against the alternatives.
There are no feelings here, just an equation of time and money.
Are you off your meds? I’m not taking about who cares about who. I’m pretty sure gimp developers don’t care about me either.
Your still don’t get it. Adobe brings the user more value, because using their software users are able to work quicker, finishing more work and earning more money. Adobe subscription is negligible. Freelancers earn more in an hour of work. But save a lot more.
Even people like me, who are for some weird reason especially inclined to use FOSS, we try to dabble in it, every few years check is anything has changed. But it doesn’t. It remains the same. Pros can’t afford not to use the best software and nothing comes close to ps, ai. Sad but true.
I’m sure you can get even more poetic about it without trying too hard, but at the end of the day you still end up with a tool that does the job significantly better and faster than the alternative - a tool that brings more value even though it costs more money.
Tried them all. They don’t compare.
There are some that can be replaced easily, like Adobe premier, maybe even after effects. Audacity for sure. Not indesign, Not illustrator, not photoshop. Not only because the alternative are worse, but because everyone else uses Adobe and its incredibly easier to collaborate. If you are a pro in graphic design, like a real pro that these tools are a daily use, you can’t use anything else but Adobe.
I pay monthly fees for lots of stuff. A newspaper, Internet, water and heating,… For sure I’d rather not, but I mostly I don’t have an alternative option. With Adobe the case is such.
I’m paying 36 per month for the whole creative cloud. Whole. Photoshop, illustrator, AE,… It’s been a few months, but all of them are just better. Unfortunately it is what it is. And now, now with ai, it’s the only option reasonable.
In sorry I hurt your feelings, but come on. Read what you just wrote. Seriously? Lol.
What is actionable? Maybe this :Make ux more like ps so more people will be able to use it or want to use it? :)
You want small things to fix? Small actionable things. I’m saying there is a broader issue that you cannot easily patch. I don’t care about your criticism of ps, many people have tons of criticism, I have tons, none of it matters with the situation at hand.
What was gimp project about? Pushing users away with design patterns that exist nowhere else?
Pros don’t give gimp a chance but many of us still test try it. It’s not viable, not only because Adobe is a must have because of interoperability but because it’s faster to work in, it’s faster, more stable, more supported,… literally there is no category in which it was worse. Ux is not the best for sure, but it’s still way better than gimp. Even more, everything works in the same patterns as the users expect. Same as other graphical programs. It’s easier to use, easier to switch, easier to use similar software. That’s ux. Gimp doesn’t have that.
Because of all that, it doesn’t have a target audience beyond someone who is just very determined to use something free.
You are complaining about the amateur? A pro will never use gimp. Ps is too integrated into professional work, not too mention it has a better ux, it’s more stable, uses more for formats, had better support,… The semi pros still prefer to use affinity. You are only left with amateurs! And still, they prefer to use krita, a program not even meant for this kind of work!!!
There is no doubt that there are big problems with gimp.
I haven’t seen 60s before. I understood like it depends on the activity.