is Gearbox still in terms with Epic? It’ll probably be in holding cells Epic store for a year anyway, and then it’ll move to other stores with ULTIMATE EDITION -dlc bundle, with another dlc planned later on which isn’t in ULTIMATE EDITION. Wasn’t that the play with 3 as well?
Unless 4 does something truly new for the series, I’m probably not going to get it, at all. Kinda feel like I’m done with the series.
started with NES games in late 80’s, so in theory I should be fine with game pads? Platformers and driving games I can generally do fine, anything else? … heh, it’s like watching parents use computers. I just can’t do first/third person aiming with analog sticks or use bumpers/triggers at the same time with anything else.
Mouse and keyboard are my weapons of choice, at least with those I’m not embarrassingly bad.
edit: though, Nintendo Game Cube controller is kinda my thing, not that I’ve played much of NGC games or anything, but I did finish Eternal Darkness just fine (emulated, used savestates, but still), the controller just feels way more natural than modern xbox/ps controllers