27 days agoUg r the khez th ia2zugk8
Clean hands, Cool head, Warm heart.
GP, Gardener, Radical progressive
Ug r the khez th ia2zugk8
We need to start letting people and organisations know that this isn’t acceptable. I’ve been guilty of just using an anonymous account or letting it slide but having a mailing list is not much effort for example, honestly having a basic website is pretty cheap and easy.
I’m very much a privacy amateur but am interested in comments on my set up, I’m sure it’s not ideal.
I use firstname@lastname.tld for personal email. Anything @lastname.tld forwards to my main email so for the rare occasion I need to access Facebook my account is facebook@lastname.tld and so on for any other untrustworthy sites.
I can easily block emails from a leak or just if unsubscribing is made difficult.