I know I’m just an undereducated consumer, but rough month for Sonos as far as my purchase plans went.
I went out mid-May to get a soundbar and headphones. As hard as it is, I sucked up my impulsive purchase drive because reportedly there was a big sale (25%) coming plus the new headphones had leaked and were going to be WiFi.
June comes. Headphones aren’t WiFi. Seeing privacy stories about Sonos.
So I let the 25% deal go by and still haven’t bought anything.
Have you looked at World Anvil? It’s been a long time and I don’t remember what the free vs. paid tier comparisons were, but I thought it was pretty slick.
Edit: Didn’t realise the community I’m in. I have no idea the privacy state of World Anvil but I’ll edit if I come across it.